Is enabling "Developer mode" = opening "Developer Tools" pane?

As I read Manifest v3 user scripts resp. user script managers can be run even in Manifest v3 when users “enable Developer mode”.

Whats does that mean exactly?

Is enabling “Developer mode” = opening “Developer Tools” pane?

That would mean I always have an open unnecessary pane at the side.

Are there any other way to enable “Developer mode” WITHOUT viewing “Developer Tools” pane?

Tip: Make a new Brave Browser window.

In the menu bar at the top, select View. Scroll down in that View menu and select Developer. And then in the little pop-out sub-menu, select Developer Tools.

Tip: The Developer Tools window is associated with the current Brave Browser window, and NOT associated with other Brave Browser windows.

Also, the first occasion of using Developer Tools, the Developer Tools “window” is usually a part of its associated Brave Browser window . . . but you can make the Developer Tools window, a standalone window (though keeping its association with the Brave Browser window). I recommend that you do so:

In the upper right-hand corner of the Developer Tools window, there is an “Organizer” 3-vertical-dots button - click on that. The result should be a pop-up:

Screen Shot 2024-11-02 at 3.03.02 PM

Notice the tiny blue icon that is first (left to right) among 4. Click on that icon. The Developer Tools window will become a standalone window . . .

THAT is easy to manage.

Enabling “Developer Mode” does NOT open the Developer Tools window.

Enabling “Developer Mode” allows you to monitor - live - via the Developer Tools window’s Console tab, browser activity in addition to all “console.log” reports from loaded-and-enabled extensions.

Developer mode is in the top-right corner

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