IOS users report problems with the forum

Hello good morning. Forocoches users who use Brave on IOS are reporting problems with said website.

The problems reported to me is that for a few days on mobile the blocker is blocking critical content on the web and is diminishing the browsing experience.

I leave it here in case you can look at it to solve this problem. With Android or on PC it does not happen.

Thanks and good job guys.

@Ensaladilla I don’t feel like testing right now, but it’s likely related to a known issue where the update to iOS 16.4 broke something for iPhone only. If person has Block Cross-Site Trackers activated on sites, the Shields settings is much stronger than it should be. So some thumbnails, features like Disqus or other comments, etc can be blocked. It’s being investigated but not sure how long until changes can be made.

No problem, thanks for your work and for looking into it. I have told you more than anything because Forocoches is a very important community in Spanish and much of the expansion of Brave was thanks to when I promoted the browser there, it went viral and is now the favorite browser among many users. And everything that happens in Forocoches then jumps to other networks and always. Greetings and happy Sunday!

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@Ensaladilla Apple just released 16.4.1 for my iPhone today and upon me updating, the prior issue no longer is in place. Could you and the Users who said were having issues try to get that update and advise if it resolves for you?

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I don’t use Apple, but I’m going to comment on it to the users so that they update, to see if the problem is solved. Thank you so much.

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I confirm that users who have updated have corrected the problem! Thank you for your work!

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