Incomplete payout

Hey i earned around 23 BAT but have received only 10.88712 through 2 payouts (8.67929 + 2.20783).I’m also attaching last screenshots taken on 29 july. So still I’m missing around 13 BAT.

Edit- I have received 13 BAT in 3 parts (3.750 + 4.500 + 4.750) and I’ve connected my verified uphold account as well where aforementioned 10.8 BAT were received but these 13 BAT aren’t received yet in uphold. I tried disconnecting and reconnecting brave reward wallet and uphold account but didn’t work either.


Same thing here but I only received one payment for one browser.
I’m using Brave on 3 computers and should have received around 30BAT but I only got 9.
I hope payout is still processing, if not I will get back to a real adfree browser, not impressed so far and I’m only using it to get some BAT to exchange.


Payouts are still processing - MEGATHREAD: August 5th, 2020 Brave Ads Payout Support

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Thanks Steeven, your follow-up is much appreciated!
I’ve just received a second payment so I may get the last one soon.

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Hi do you know if payouts for august 5 still for processing?

Any updates @steeven regarding payout for august 5, 2020? is still for processing? Thanks

Yes, they are still processing, read the official Megathread here:

Hi, I had the same problem, but today there was another pay out into my uphold account, then it was 2 pay outs in total, 18BAT 2 days ago and 5BAT today.
It still processing, hang in there folks.


Payment complete. If you not receive yours, please see the latest post here MEGATHREAD: August 5th, 2020 Brave Ads Payout Support