Hi Muskan,
I ran into an issue a few weeks ago that I’ve been struggling to resolve, and finally did just now by disabling the CDN for my website.
The website URL is – https://huppbrian.us
The theme I am using is GeneratePress Premium.
I first notice the problem when I added a Ninja Forms contact form to the site. After the form is submitted, the visitor receives a confirmation and is then re-directed to the site’s homepage after a few seconds. While testing that form,
I found that if I submitted the form from Brave for Windows, after the redirect, the site logo, and the home page Soliloquy slider were not displayed correctly. What was even worse is that afterward, the home page was no longer displayed correctly by other
browsers. By experimentation, I found that if I edited the slider and updated it without making any other changes, and then edited the homepage and updated it without making any changes. The rendering of the page by all browsers was restored.
I opened an issue with the Brave community, and with the publisher of the GeneratePress theme. I also called GoDaddy technical support, but they couldn’t see anything wrong from the hosting perspective. Thinking the issue might be with
the Solliloquy slider, I opened up a case with them as well.
To troubleshoot the issue, I disabled as many of the plugins I’m using as I could, and also created a temporary static homepage without the Soliloquy slider. But the issue with the site logo persisted. I thought the issue might be with
the Ninja Forms contact form, but then during troubleshooting, I realized that the same issue occurred if I simply replied to one of my posts using Brave for Windows, and then reloaded the homepage.
As a workaround, I disabled the site logo function in the GeneratePress theme, replacing it with a hyperlink image of the site logo using the HTML widget in the page/post header.
I informed the Brave community, and the GeneratePress support team of this workaround, and asked them if they wanted me to do anything to support troubleshooting. This evening, Ryan from the Brave Community sent me an e-mail detailing the
error Brave is receiving from the server when trying to fetch the site logo image…
Just checked where the file is hosted [https://secureservercdn.net/](https://secureservercdn.net/