@Mattches I had all my passwords and bookmarked sites all disappeared and my wallet was reset to show it was created on 5/2/2023 I filled a ticket case number 193099. The wallet was setup the first time back in 11/21. Back in February of this year I did not receive any Bat for the month of January I filled a ticket case number 179249 and a Brave Support member helped me get my Bat and per the Brave Support member E (Brave Software)
Feb 14, 2023, 8:53 AM PST
A refund has been sent to the provided address.
Please resolve this issue in full by starting a new Rewards profile for all devices. It can be reset in brave://rewards > Manage Brave Rewards > Reset. You will see no further issues once reset.
Thank you for your understanding.
Brave Support
So I did as I was ask and reset Brave and there was no problem for April then yesterday I lost my passwords, bookmarked sites and my wallet was reset. I was owned Your +31.09 BAT April rewards will arrive in 4 days so can you help me get my Bat
@Mattches Brave Support is telling me we have reviewed the flag related the profile in question, and your Rewards profile will not be refunded or reinstated. It will remain flagged. I would like to know why it is flagged
Your request (193099) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email.
J (Brave Software)
May 4, 2023, 10:06 AM PDT
Thank you again for reaching out to Brave Support.
Sometimes your Brave Rewards profile can be “flagged”. That usually means our systems noticed some irregular activity associated with Brave Ads. “Irregular activity” is activity that would be considered unusual compared to an ordinary person using Brave Ads as part of their overall, everyday browsing experience.
We have reviewed the flag related the profile in question, and your Rewards profile will not be refunded or reinstated. It will remain flagged.
Thank you again for understanding and patience as we work to improve the ecosystem for all users.
Brave Support
J (Brave Software)
May 3, 2023, 8:22 AM PDT
Thank you for reaching out to Brave Support.
The Rewards ID provided was created this month. There is no payout related to this device.
Please know we cannot discuss the details, but “Irregular activity” is activity that would be considered unusual compared to an ordinary person using Brave Ads as part of their overall, everyday browsing experience.