I wrote to them privately for more than 15 days because I did not drop the payment of brave ads, and they never give me a good answer … they never paid me
Could you help me? I need some good help with this.
They never answer the private
I wrote to them privately for more than 15 days because I did not drop the payment of brave ads, and they never give me a good answer … they never paid me
Could you help me? I need some good help with this.
They never answer the private
Stop spamming the community with your trash.
@jessusxds if you already send them a dm the best thing to do is wait
and is very likely the same with steeven.
@aziz007 please don’t go tagging them when is not necessary
They answered me, they told me that they identified the problem and to wait … that was 2 weeks ago and I am still waiting
@jessusxds then wait, I know it is very frustrating but opening new threads won’t solve anything
Not only that, but steeven has been on leave for the past week.
Thank you @JohnDproof @rosiecar.