I lost all my bookmarks on Brave browser due to laptop format. How can i get them back?

I lost all my bookmarks on Brave browser due to laptop format. How can i get them back?

@yogeshpund Did you export your bookmarks, do a backup of Brave, or sync your laptop to another device? If so, that’s how you get it back.

If you did none of those things, then there’s no way to get it again. What you did is the same as writing something on a piece of paper and then throwing it in the fire. Now you ask how to get the paper back. As you can imagine, there’s not really a way to take the ashes and restore your paper.

If you did a backup or exported them, then it’s like you made a copy. So everything will still be available.

If you did sync, it’s like a fax or email. So you will be able to have it sent back to you.

Hello @yogeshpund, thanks for reaching us out. In other words I’m afraid If you not have a copy of your old Brave profile or exported bookmarks (HTML), it’s not possible.


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