I haven't received any payment for the last 2 months

Hi @steeven

Here’s my problem, I haven’t received any payment on my PC for 2 months whereas before I had no problem and I have already received payments in the past.
As I could see in the topic pinned, the transfers have been finalized but I still haven’t received the payment for this month.

You can see on the picture that my earnings are actually all pending :confused:
I hope that you can correct this problem, and thank you in advance.

Really the support team? @steeven

There is no one who can help me?

Hi @dyttrium, please see Update on Estimated Ads Earnings, and Payments not depositing to Uphold.

Hi @steeven

I didn’t get a mid-month payment as announced either.
Is it going to happen soon or have I missed it again? Because I didn’t get a transfer to my Uphold account and my problem remains the same.

I also have the same problem

Hey @steeven when is that mid-month payment going to happen?

We are waiting for your answer

Thanks for following up. The payment is still scheduled to go out.

me pasa lo mismo o sea navegamos para nosotros y ayudarlos a ellos a crecer y ellos nos timan, la verdad es muy poco serio brave a mi me dieron 250 bats solo en julio y despues nunca mas recibi nada incluso me llegaron los comerciales y no me pagaron y encima me van descontando cada vez que navego y con cada consulta de mis bats en Uphold me descuentan y en otras paginas que navego y eso que quite las donaciones y no es que sea un tacaño sino que apenas tengo para mi y voy a estar donando en fin creo que esto de brave es una estafa y no me quiero imaginar si invierto de mi bolsillo, me dejan sin un centavo

Mid-month payments have now processed.

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