I have some problems with ad blocker

Description of the issue: I have a problem on a site when I’m using Aggressively block trackers & ads. The problem is when I go the site it detects the ad block and force me to disable that. Is there anyway to solve this problem?(while using Aggressively block trackers & ads)

Exact URL of the website in question:

**Did the issue present with default Shields settings?**no

Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off? yes

Does the ad appear when using a Private window as well? (yes/no) no

What OS are you using when you see the ad? Linux(manjaro)

Brave version (check About Brave):
Version 1.73.105 Chromium: 131.0.6778.265 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Can you please share the exact sites in which you’re seeing this issue occur?

The website

As I tried it also detects ad blocking when I set that mode(block tracks & ads).

@parsa This sit works without issue for me with default Shields settings. Are you using any other ad blockers and/or do you have any other extensions installed in the browser at this time?

No I don’t. It doesn’t matter I use which ad blocker; The site detects it and shows this message(It’s a Persian website and it says If you want to use the content of this website free, you have to disable the ad blocker.):

@parsa can you please try visiting this site in a Private browsing window and tell me if you get the same results?

yes, i’m facing the same result.

I have some news to you; As I updated Brave to
Version 1.74.48 Chromium: 132.0.6834.83 (Official Build) (64-bit), the website doesn’t block anymore but there’s a problem. The ad blocker doesn’t block a single ad at all.

@parsa can you please launch Brave and go to brave://components and check what version of the Brave Ad Block Updater component you’re using?

Brave Ad Block Updater - Version: 1.0.10247

  • try adding soft98.ir##.abdd into brave://settings/shields/filters custom rules
  • PersianBlocker list needs to be enabled, is taken care in brave://settings/shields/filters

If a website isn’t covered, just open a ticket on https://github.com/MasterKia/PersianBlocker

Thanks for your answer. I tried the solutions that you provided but it’s not fixed.

I’m going to do that.

Hi! I’m back with good news.
After I talked with this Github page:

They answered:

! hide ads
soft98.ir,~forum.soft98.ir###abddh, #sbds
! prevents anti-adblock from destroying the content of the page.
soft98.ir,~forum.soft98.ir##+js(aost, NodeList.prototype.forEach, /\bRi[@\s][^\t]+/application.min.packed.js/, log, 1)

It’s just copying it in My filters on uBlock Origin or User rules on AdGuard.
It worked for me.