I have not received any ads for about 1 week. @steeven can you explain me why please?!?
Some common things to check in the meantime, are you using a VPN? Has your system level notifications changed by preventing brave showing ads? https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360055013431-Why-don-t-I-see-any-Brave-Ads-after-enabling-them- check here and check the push notification test.
I have already done all the tests and checks. I don’t have active VPN. since one day I changed the way I receive Ads from 5 ads / hour to 10 ads / hour, I haven’t received any more ads.
I am also not receiving ads since they roll back their inbuilt notification feature.
Sadly the same thing has happened to me once I updated. Wish I never did that.
@steeven you can help us? can you explain us ?!
me too. I dont get mony but i can see ads
im using linux with the newest brave update and no vpn
I, too, have also not received any ads/BAT since the last Brave update.
Windows 7 64 bit Desktop
No settings have been changed at all. No VPN. Everything identical.
Sadly still nothing on my end. After updating I’ve received zero Brave ads. Is there any solution? I’ve already read through the FAQ and done the notification test.
Same here now going on week #2. Literally only thing I changed was updating.
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