I have had pending rewards for several months now with no way of claiming them

I am trying to get my pending ad rewards from several months now, and I need help getting them transferred to my wallet. I have not been given the opportunity to claim any token grants and my wallet is verified, but every month on the 5th the remaining balance is not deposited. What do I need to do to fix this problem?

I have messaged Brave Support with my wallet ID on twitter to no avail. If I need to send my wallet ID to a moderator on this forum, can you please tell me if it’s the wallet payment ID you’re looking for? The Twitter staff didn’t reply.

Send a private message to @steeven using this forum (click on his name in this post). Include your wallet ID and explain the situation.

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  1. Update your browser through the browser settings
  2. disconnect your uphold account.
  3. re-connect your uphold account.
    Your BAT should auto-send to your wallet, if not try clicking Withdraw Funds.
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