I have a verified wallet on uphold, but my tokens are not showing

If you click on that icon above, you should see this drop down appear. If you do, then your account is already connected and you’re good to go.

No Mattches, it still says Verify Wallet. I have a verified Uphold account, and my Brave creator’s page says Uphold Connected. So that would indicate that at least those two are good. In fact even my Youtube and Twitch links are in my Creator’s Page, and my Uphold as well. But for some reason the Brave Browser seems to not be linked to either Uphold, or possibly it doesn’t linkup to my actual Creator’s account. How can I verify that my Browser is actually the same account as my in (https://publishers.basicattentiontoken.org/) which has a gmail email account. I really hate being a pain, but I need this resolved. I should only need to press the verify wallet button, and it should link to my uphold and see it is verified uphold account, but it never changes.

Can you please check the following?

  1. Did you get an email from Uphold requesting access to Brave Browser?
  2. What shows when you go to Uphold --> Profile --> Settings --> Applications --> Authorized Applications. Is Brave Browser listed there?

I never received an email from Uphold requesting access my Browser. Although I have spoken with Uphold a few times, and they all said everything looks good on their end. As for what’s in my uphold account Auth Apps, this is what I have. It says last used 1 hour ago because once again I disconnected and followed your instructions. This is what’s in there. No browser, just the publisher card.

Is there nothing else we can do to fix this issue? Uphold has said there is nothing wrong on their end. Everything’s been verified.

Can you please try the following?

  1. Open the browser and log out of Uphold.com
  2. Go to brave://rewards
  3. Click on Verify Wallet again
  4. If you’re prompted to log back into Uphold, do so using the verified wallet email, not your publishers email.

Does your wallet now show as verified?

What Verified Wallet email? The only email I have is my Uphold email, and my creators page email. I just did step 1, 2,3, and then it goes straight to Uphold site which asks me to log in. The only log I have for this site is my Uphold info. The only other info I have is my creators log in, and of course that doesn’t work. These are the only two email I have.

Mattches I’m on with Uphold again. They just told me I that my existing Uphold acct has to have the same email as Brave. If this is true, well it’s the very first question I asked you that was never answered.

Can you DM me the email that’s associated with your verified Uphold account so I can take a look at a few things on my end?

I sent you the info about 3 days ago. Did you receive it?

Sorry for the late reply. I’ve reached out to our Uphold contacts with your information and should have a response soon. Thank you for your patience.

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Anything yet? Problem still present

I am having the same problem. Never received the brave verification email. Still shows “Verify Wallet” even though from what I can see everything is validated on Upholds end. Went through the process multiple times. Tried logging of uphold and going through the brave rewards verification process. Got the validation successful message once again. Still never received the Brave Rewards verification email. “Verify Wallet” still displays.

Hmmmmmm, so never, is that right?

Can I get a count of anyone in this thread who’s still experiencing this issue?

Im having the same problem I was verified on uphold on 12 -20 -19 and just got first payout but on my Brave rewards , it just says wallet and it wont let me verify or connect my account to Uphold at all . Ibe been trying for hours and even work with Uphold customer service . We couldnt figure it out . Im lost it will not let me verify . I cant even click on my wallet at all it does nothing

So you absolutely can not get Brave rewards with a LG Stylo 5 Android . It keeps saying error when you click on rewards . Once it lets you it creates a wallets you cant verify . This would be a cool app if it worked properly . I lost days and days , also all my bat tokens I earned because it would not work . Maybe in another year or 2 . As of now this doesn’t work . Goodluck Brave

I am still experiencing the same issue as described above.
Click Verify Wallet button, which opens: brave://rewards/#verify
Then click the Verify Wallet big red button
Which then just opens Uphold and no card is created for Brave Browser.

I also installed the BETA version of the Brave browser and this verification process works 100%.
So not sure what is stopping the normal brave browser.

I have same problem. Three months with Brave, nothing transferred to uphold.

I face the same issue only with the exception that on one of my laptops brave appears with a verified wallet and on the other it is just cant be verified. No matter how many times I tried I still see this