I have 234 BAT in my crypto wallet but i cannot transfer to my Uphold card or buy anything from brave swag store

Issue: I have 234 BAT in my brave browser crypto wallet but i cannot transfer to my Uphold card or buy anything from brave swag store.

It always shows Insufficient funds. Next button is not active.

I have also tried changing the amount to 150 so that the Transaction Fee can be covered but no luck. Any help is appreciated.

It looks like this:

Brave version:
Version 1.24.50 Chromium: 90.0.4430.51 (Official Build) nightly (x86_64)

also tried on Linux with the latest release version but no luck :frowning:

Hi @Mattches,

If you can help here that will be helpful.

Maybe you don’t have enough eth to cover the gas ?

so BAT is not enough?
I transferred BATs from my Uphold account to this wallet.
Now I want to simply transfer it back to my Uphold wallet or buy something from Brave Swag store. Any idea how to resolve this?

Yes you need ethereum for gas, bat cannot be used for gas

so my 234 BATS are stuck? i cannot use them?

No they’re only stuck until you get some gas, you need to send some ethereum to your wallet

can i convert BAT to ethereum?

If you have some on an exchange

what is exchange?
i just have account on uphold and local brave wallet.

Any exchange, including uphold, if you have bat on uphold convert enough to send n cover your gas needed to your wallet, or just purchase some ethereum on uphold and do the same thing

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awesome…thank you…let me try that

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