I did not received tips

i write this to under some topics. no one answered. i am rookie at here . help please . i lose my mind , what is wrong is here :slight_smile: i decided to create my own topic. i hope i get some answers.

i did not received tips . one is from europe (malta) , one is from my friend . it is been like 2 day . they send me screenshot their wallet is zero. and sendes to my publisher acc. i saw that.

but still not received anything.
my question ia why :frowning:

warm regards

Your tips should appear in the appropriate creator’s balance unless the tip was made during the freeze period:

my uphold account is verified. i received one time tips from my youtube account… but i got 2 more tips from there. they did not received. but when i check something at their screenshot my youtube acc is not verified … lol how look at this please

first screenshot from my creator acc.
second is from my friend sent me from his brave setting

here other one also he sended me too from you tibe . he sended mssgs from whatsapp

verified uphold account. and linked my social accounts too :frowning:

Your payouts show 38BAT owed, is nots not the appropriate amount?

38 bat never changed sir. i got before it… after that they send me it should 2x 20 or 2x 19 isn’t it sir ? i try say payout progress must seen 57 bat ? sorry for bad eng.

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