I can’t link my brave account neither to gemini or uphold, so im online using brave and i’m not gaining anything at all. simply don’t let my link the brave to gemini or uphold, can you help me ?
I can’t link my brave account neither to gemini or uphold, so im online using brave and i’m not gaining anything at all. simply don’t let my link the brave to gemini or uphold, can you help me ?
@TiagoMartins hard to help you when you don’t provide any details. Such as
What message are you getting from Uphold?
Are you in a supported country, as listed at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/6539887971469 ?
I’m asking about Uphold specifically because Gemini is currently down for everyone. Gemini integration (their API) has been down for a few weeks now, meaning nobody can connect. You can track https://status.brave.com/ for when that comes back up.
@Saoiray not a message it doesn’t work .
I’m in Portugal it’s supported on Uphold.
I have the exact same problem, are you also on debian?
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