I can't find details about password storage security

I couldn’t find anywhere a consistent explanation about the security with which the passwords are stored in Brave.
I’ve only seen somewhere mentioned in some topic replies that the security is demanded to the OS, without any better detail. Even if that’s true, it would be very useful to add some details about how the security is handled in most popular OSs (esp. in Windows). E.g.: does the OS (and the company behing) have access to my logins once I save them in Brave?
A few of the topic mentioning the matter have just been closed without replies.

I’d really like to make of Brave my “daily driver”, but without a better understanding of how safe are the logins stored I can’t do this.

If anybody knows a bit more, or if there are useful extensions for this, or if there’s a way to add a layer of security (similar to Firefox master password) I’d be really glad to her it.

Security is central for me (and for an increasing audience), so I strongly believe a modern browser should offer the possibility to a user for advanced security control, at least optionally.
Moreover, a clear description of the security in Brave should be present somewhere.

Thanks for your time.


I also can’t find documentation on how the passwords are stored. Ideally that would be in the cloud, but my profile also doesn’t show a lot of information or settings.

Are the profiles accessible in the cloud with all the data similar to Google Chrome?

Please let us know promptly. Thanks.

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Wondering the same thing, the current official documentation on the password manager (https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018185951-How-do-I-use-the-built-in-password-manager-) is lacking in this regard. It seems important, surprised more people aren’t asking about it.

Found this SuperUser thread (https://superuser.com/questions/1241900/is-it-secure-to-save-your-passwords-in-brave), however it is likely outdated.

There is also a recent webpage article (dated 23 Sep 2019) by a company named XenArmor that describes the storage and encryption of Brave’s stored passwords, however it would be nice to have the information from the official source.

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