This isn’t enough information to help you. Quite frankly, if you just search Brave Community for your error, you most likely will find the answer without anyone needing to respond to you here.
For example, if you’re getting Unsupported Region
then I know there’s over 1,000 times I’ve answered the question. I even have a topic for it over at PSA: Unsupported Region
If you’re talking about flagged accounts, that too has been discussed many times. For example, Gemini Account Flagged and Never Received BAT Payment - #3 by Saoiray or even as something discussed in great detail at -Retired- PSA: User FAQ - Support & Answers
But there’s a lot of other little things that can happen. So please, would you explain what your issue is? Also, if ever ask for help on Brave Community, be sure to provide specific information. It’s hard to be able to tell you anything when you’re extremely vague.