Unfortunately, your Brave Rewards profile has been flagged, and you’re not able to verify with a custodian at this time. This flag can sometimes be due to irregular Brave Ads activity, though it can also be a false positive.
Note that while your Brave Rewards profile is flagged, you won’t be able to verify.
No action is required on your part. Your Brave Rewards profile will be automatically reevaluated on a regular basis to determine when (or if) the flag can be removed. Please try again every so often to see if the flag has been removed.
@Aman_M Thank you so much I’m unflagged but my last months rewards are not showing anywhere… before this it was showing pending but when I was flagged they are just gone not showing anywhere
The banner “Your X BAT will arrive in Y days” remains only till 11th but it does not mean that payouts will be completed by then. This month has seen major hiccups (unwanted flags + only 0.25 BAT as claim + claim disappered etc.) and Brave is working on it.
Payouts of this month will be issued again-
However payouts for verified wallets are generally processed next month but you can still be hopeful.