I cannot receive any BAT from my browser to my linked Uphold account

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Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. I cannot receive any BAT from my browser to my linked Uphold account.

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.19.92

Additional Information:
I cannot receive any BAT from my browser to my linked Uphold account. When i check my Uphold account and brave browser linked with uphold, but balance still 0. Is there any limit for deposit? I just only have 2,645 BAT.

Hi @bahadircinar - payments are still processing.

Don’t hold your breath. [redacted] @steeven up there ^ isn’t doing or communicating anything on this one. Widespread issue and all he ever does is tell people to DM him and then never respond to said DMs. I should know, mine has been sitting in his inbox for weeks now and he hasn’t even looked at it.

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It’s nice to see the site moderators are doing their jobs flagging a very tame post. At least somebody at Brave is doing their job, because @steeven isn’t

I appreciate your feedback. Please note, that the only message I see from you was sent yesterday. I’m here to help, but please keep a cool head. Please see my DM.

@JakXLT we’re a tiny team fielding thousands of request a week. I appreciate your patience.

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