I am not receiving any rewards from jan 7 to jan28

@rd123 Uninstalling and reinstalling will wipe your BAT and create a new wallet. IF you do that, make sure you have your code for the wallet (not your sync code) so you can Restore it when you install again. Otherwise you’ll end up having to verify again and may end up hitting your 4 device limit, which would prevent you from adding it and/or even from getting ads. If you do Restore it, I forget if you keep everything or if you do temporarily lose out on the ads that had accumulated through the month. I don’t want to tell you either way since I’m not 100%. Just giving a heads up what is a possibility. Only thing I know for sure if if you don’t have that code and restore, you really will lose all the BAT in that wallet and all.

I think you said you checked your settings, but let me ask…did you look at your location settings and all? Let me link you to someone else who marked me as having solved the issue where they saw ads but didn’t get BAT. They found out their computer was set in the wrong region. (if you’re on Windows anyway)

If you’re seeing ads but not earning, then it makes it sound like it’s something like linked above or you might have somehow been flagged by the system. The only way to know if you’re flagged is to DM one of the Brave staff like @steeven or @SaltyBanana . I’d suggest maybe SaltyBanana first as Steeven hasn’t been on the forums much in the past few days. I’m not sure if he’s off to work on other stuff, if he’s just getting some well deserved rest and time off from work, or what?

Regardless, they’ll all get to you when they can. Hopefully fairly quick but do please try to be in the mindset that it can sometimes take several weeks to resolve it. When you message them, they always ask you to DM the info below:

  • Copy/paste your Wallet ID (found on brave://rewards-internals )
  • Your OS and Brave version (first three lines in brave://version )
  • A screenshot of your Rewards panel in Settings --> Brave Rewards .