I am a mac user,

I had to change my google email password, it tells me to go to the internet accounts and then connect with my browser which is brave, it just sits there spinning trying to connect to the browsers,

Apologies but I am unclear on what the exact issue you’re encountering here is. Can you please elaborate for me?

First let me say I’m on Mac. Sure, I had to change my google password, according to google I need to enter my password in the gmail address internet accounts when i clicke on the internet acts, continue a dialog box opens for me to put in the password, google requires me to open the browser to do this, when I open the browser, it just sits there a spins.

Have a Blessed Day


To be clear, you are doing this all in Brave (including the part where you request your password be changed)? If so, can you please open the Shields panel while logged into Google and change the cookie control to Allow all cookies, then try the password reset process again?

Thank you

Well, that didn’t;t work I now cannot use my email.

Have a Blessed Day


Can you please do the same thing with Shields off entirely?

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