I’m to trying to leave a sync chain and entering a new one. But when I go to “Manage your synced devices” to enter a new code, it still shows me the old chain.
@ViniciusBortoletto ,
What OS/Brave version are you using?
Fedora 34
Version 1.24.86 Chromium: 90.0.4430.212 (Official Build) (64-bit)
@ViniciusBortoletto ,
Does this issue match the behavior you’re seeing on your end?
opened 08:06PM - 18 Apr 21 UTC
## Description
Same issue:
Brave sync problem deleting devices and leaving t… he chain/creating new chain
## Steps to Reproduce
I noticed that my android device was not syncing with the chain and linux desktop, my android was syncing with my windows computer on the same laptop (dual boot) and I tried to sync my PopOS 20. 10 with a new computer just installed with Manjaro OS KDE (2021-04-18) and my PopOS computer appeared for a moment, but after a few minutes and I closed and opened brave in PopOS my chain changed and disappeared from the list of synced devices in my Manjaro. when I tried to press the "Leave Sync Chain" button it immediately generated a new chain. without asking me if I want to use a current one.
## Actual result:
## Expected result:
that a new chain is not created each time I leave the current one
## Reproduces how often:
No steps to reproduce
## Brave version (brave://version info)
Version 1.23.71 Chromium: 90.0.4430.72 (Official Build) (64-bit) in Linux PopOS 20.10 (Ubuntu Fork)
Brave | 1.23.71 Chromium: 90.0.4430.72 (Official Build) (64-bit)
-- | --
Revision | b6172ef8d07ef486489a4b11b66b2eaeed50d132-refs/branch-heads/4430@{#1233}
OS | Linux
JavaScript | V8
User Agent | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.72 Safari/537.36
Command Line | /opt/brave.com/brave/brave --enable-dom-distiller --disable-domain-reliability --no-pings --extension-content-verification=enforce_strict --extensions-install-verification=enforce --origin-trial-public-key=bYUKPJoPnCxeNvu72j4EmPuK7tr1PAC7SHh8ld9Mw3E=,fMS4mpO6buLQ/QMd+zJmxzty/VQ6B1EUZqoCU04zoRU= --sync-url=https://sync-v2.brave.com/v2 --lso-url=https://no-thanks.invalid --variations-server-url=https://variations.brave.com/seed --enable-features=AutoupgradeMixedContent,SafetyTip,WebUIDarkMode,PasswordImport,ReducedReferrerGranularity,PrefetchPrivacyChanges,LegacyTLSEnforced,DnsOverHttps --disable-features=IdleDetection,TabHoverCards,SharingQRCodeGenerator,DirectSockets,AutofillServerCommunication,TextFragmentAnchor,BraveDomainBlock,SubresourceWebBundles,SignedExchangePrefetchCacheForNavigations,AutofillEnableAccountWalletStorage,WebOTP,NotificationTriggers,LangClientHintHeader,NetworkTimeServiceQuerying,SignedExchangeSubresourcePrefetch,SafeBrowsingEnhancedProtection,SafeBrowsingEnhancedProtectionMessageInInterstitials --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end
Executable Path | /opt/brave.com/brave/brave
Profile Path | /home/nasatome/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/Default
Variations | 7146a73c-3f4a17df
I honestly don't know what more information to provide, but at least if this ticket is closed, it remains as a history of the problem.
July 23, 2021, 10:17pm
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