How long does it take to get verified? Or has creators been abandoned?

I registered for creators ages ago but was never verified and decided to try again but wondered if I’d ever get verified?

If you have trouble trying to submit that request, then @B-Lee would be the Brave team member to tag, here.

UPDATE - I was not correct, in recommending B-Lee; @Saoiray is correct:

How long does it take to get verified? Or has creators been abandoned? - #4 by Saoiray

Thanks, I did submit a ticket. I was aware of holidays etc. maybe @B-Lee and more may see it. I’m trying not to give up on Brave Creators again.

Actually, B-Lee is typically all Premium services. Typically Rewards issues would be handled by Evan123. Creators tends to fall either to Evan123 or occasionally steeven. While there are others who handle tickets and Mattches also handles topics, it’s just about how things go for those two categories here on Community.

That said, I would highly suggest you submit a Creators Support Ticket at so they can have more information and a ticket gets created for you, which assures they’ll look into things.

Do be sure to provide as much details on what you’ve done and your situation in the Description part of the ticket.

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Thanks for the info, ticket submitted but I’ll not hold my breath. My last try at Brave Creators, I guess I can leave it active even if I don’t get approved.

You should see a response shortly. Thanks!

So, it’s wayyyy more complicated than I imagined. I don’t remember it being this hard last time I tried.

Ok, I gave in and connected Uphold! It’s a shame that the Brave Wallet doesn’t connect to Creators simply. I’d rather that than Uphold anyday. But you have to be well savvy to do it without Uphold.

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