I was checking my ad history in brave on windows and noticed that some ads show as viewed, and some show as dismissed.
I noticed that ads that I don’t dismiss/close get counted as viewed, and those which I dismiss/close get counted as dismissed.

Does anyone know how long I need to let the ad stay on the screen for brave to consider it as a successful view?
I looked up the FAQ on the brave website, and while this question exists, the answer doesn’t really match IMO. The answer is “Users are rewarded for viewing ad notifications as they appear in Brave. Users are not rewarded for clicking on ads.” I understand I don’t need to click on the ad to be rewarded, but I was wondering how long I need to let the ad stay on screen before I dismiss/close.
Steps followed:
brave://rewards/ >> 7-day Ads History
I do not know the time, I’d guesstimate 30 secs-1min? You can easily time this yourself next time you see an ad I guess. I might do this myself out of curiosity.
you don’t have to view the ad at all… alls that’s needed is for you allow the notification to happen… as soon as the notification appears, you’ve viewed the ad without actually having to click the notification to open the ad or site the notification points to…
So I timed it, I believe it is 2 minutes. Stopwatch shows 1:54.56 but I was a little off the ball starting it, so I would assume that extra 6 seconds was that. I think this is what you meant? On my ads it does show viewed, not clicked or dismissed.
@HighPriestess42 @david.mcgreggor, what @megaspaz said is right. On windows 10 the notification will show a → on the top right corner when you hover on it, that arrow will move the ad to the notification area without marking it as closed/dismissed
Thank you @megaspaz and @JohnDproof
I guess I got confused because I saw the different statuses and I thought Brave considered ads which showed as dismissed, as ads which weren’t actually viewed because I dismissed them. I wonder why they track the status if it makes no difference, because in all cases, the notification always shows up anyway.
Thanks @HighPriestess42 for timing it for me. My question was a little different, I was wondering how long I needed to wait before dismissing the ad for Brave to give me BAT for it.