History and deleted mobile app

Hello guys, i’m desperate because i accidentaly deleted the mobile app and i lost over 3.000 tabs, it has been 7 days. Please tell me there is a way to recover those tabs or atleast my full 7/8 month brave history.

If you’ve deleted the app on Android, then the app and it’s data is lost as it is with most Android applications.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Isn’t there not a single way to recover atleast the history? i mean, does the data just disappear?

“Disappear” is not the right word, but yes, the data gets deleted. This is what happens with most browsers (and apps in general) on mobile devices as far as I know. If you were to, for example, uninstall your Chrome or Firefox app, reinstalling would not restore any of the data from the previous install.

Are you sure there’s not a single way for me to try? i can’t afford to lose those tabs.

@skibidigiovani, unfortunately, there isn’t much that can be done to recover deleted files or tabs on Android. Android’s operating system stores files in areas that are typically inaccessible to users. While there are file recovery methods on desktop systems, Android doesn’t easily allow for this unless you have root access or use specialized third-party apps. Even then, recovery is not guaranteed and can be risky.

When files are deleted, they’re usually marked as free space, meaning they could be overwritten at any time as you continue to use the device. This makes recovering deleted files quite challenging.

For future reference, it’s always a good idea to back up important data. On Android, you can sync bookmarks or use cloud storage to ensure you have copies of important information.

I’m sorry to hear about your situation, but once data is deleted on Android, it’s typically very difficult to get it back. I recommend considering backup options moving forward to prevent data loss.

Damn, if theres no other way then i’ll root my phone and go to a tech support.

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