Gmail as of Aug 13 will not open in Standard mode, it forces HTML mode only on Brave Browser, please help!

Highly appreciate all the work that goes into this great browser! @Rethanis

It showed up this morning, was fine last night, I’m not sure when it last updated.

1 Like

Using an unsupported browser

If you use Google Workspace on an older or unsupported browser, some features might not work, or an application might not open. For example, on an unsupported browser:

  • You may be able to view, but not update, your calendars.
  • You may be redirected to the basic Gmail interface.
  • Drawings and presentations in Docs editors may not display properly.

Despite the information above, I’m still not sure the issue is related. All of us are using the same Brave version, you have issues - I don’t. Furthermore, if Brave falls into the category of “unsupported browsers”, it doesn’t make sense that your issues disappear in a private window and/or user profile.

I pinged Matt for additional support since I’m literally running out of ideas.

Use a private window or a new user profile as a temporary solution until the issue is figured out. Hopefully we’ll have more details regarding the issue as soon as possible.

If you would like to export your bookmarks and saved passwords from your current user profile, and import them into your temporary new profile:

brave://bookmarks/ → click on the 3 dots and choose import or export.
brave://settings/passwords → click on the 3 dots next to Saved Passwords → import or export.

I’ll keep looking for more details regarding the issue. Will keep you updated if I find anything that could be of help!

Same thing happened to me, very suddenly, late last night. Standard gmail opens in a private window fine but in a normal window it insists on the Basic HTML mode. Have tried shields down and disabled all extensions, no change. All other Google things working normally, Drive, Contacts, Maps etc.

Quite like the retro look of the old gmail although it’s not very practical. :smile:

@AgentStarling have you checked whether clearing your browsing data resolves the issue?

  1. Open brave://settings/clearBrowserData via the address bar.
  2. AdvancedTime rangeAll time.
  3. Cookies and other site data, Cached images and files, Site and Shields Settings.
  4. Clear data.

Note: clearing Site and Shields Settings resets global Brave Shields settings, make sure to check them out at brave://settings/shields if you weren’t using default settings.

Thanks, yes I have, but it does not fix the issue.

1 Like

So I created a new profile, it is completely clean and gmail seems quite happy with that. Will keep both as is for now to see what happens, if the standard gmail ever decides to return to the default profile.

1 Like

I’ll try to keep the following post as up-to-date as possible, let me know if I’m missing anything:

OK so this is crazy. Occurred to me to check if there were any JS errors. Opened the console on the basic HTML gmail page (using old profile) and clicked the link to load the standard gmail page. Some errors showed up but the standard page loaded! Tried opening gmail in a new tab and standard page is there too! I saved the console log if its any help.

That’s great, the errors from the console might be of help to resolve the issue!

@AgentStarling provided the following log through a DM:

Console log [DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #null: (More info: <form id=​"null" action=​"?ui=html&zy=s" method=​"post">​…​</form>​ <form id=​"null" action=​"?ui=html&zy=d" method=​"post">​…​</form>​
m=a:1754 Deprecated API for given entry type.
fyd.activate @ m=a:1754
Bzd @ m=a:1832
Azd.initialize @ m=a:1829
_.V1a.onLoad @ m=b:722
_.u.gsa @ m=b:3883
_.u.gsa @ m=b:1068
_.B @ m=b:112
(anonymous) @ m=a:2206
(anonymous) @ (index):22
Promise.then (async)
B.<computed> @ (index):22
(anonymous) @ m=a:3
m=rn4kU,yWJZbc,PaBahd,MMhUM,cs,zm225,o2ajQe,kRtote,Av2a7c,kbPIy,igbF5,Trl7bc,cv,dFpypf,MigGy,jVZ0pe,rMQdJc,Sz7W7c,CTcde,NVcOs,PZhDZb,Aihl6c,J03Die:210 POST net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
dao @ m=rn4kU,yWJZbc,PaBahd,MMhUM,cs,zm225,o2ajQe,kRtote,Av2a7c,kbPIy,igbF5,Trl7bc,cv,dFpypf,MigGy,jVZ0pe,rMQdJc,Sz7W7c,CTcde,NVcOs,PZhDZb,Aihl6c,J03Die:210
$n.ha @ m=rn4kU,yWJZbc,PaBahd,MMhUM,cs,zm225,o2ajQe,kRtote,Av2a7c,kbPIy,igbF5,Trl7bc,cv,dFpypf,MigGy,jVZ0pe,rMQdJc,Sz7W7c,CTcde,NVcOs,PZhDZb,Aihl6c,J03Die:206
hao.ha @ m=rn4kU,yWJZbc,PaBahd,MMhUM,cs,zm225,o2ajQe,kRtote,Av2a7c,kbPIy,igbF5,Trl7bc,cv,dFpypf,MigGy,jVZ0pe,rMQdJc,Sz7W7c,CTcde,NVcOs,PZhDZb,Aihl6c,J03Die:214
M$n.ha @ m=rn4kU,yWJZbc,PaBahd,MMhUM,cs,zm225,o2ajQe,kRtote,Av2a7c,kbPIy,igbF5,Trl7bc,cv,dFpypf,MigGy,jVZ0pe,rMQdJc,Sz7W7c,CTcde,NVcOs,PZhDZb,Aihl6c,J03Die:192
G$n.ha @ m=rn4kU,yWJZbc,PaBahd,MMhUM,cs,zm225,o2ajQe,kRtote,Av2a7c,kbPIy,igbF5,Trl7bc,cv,dFpypf,MigGy,jVZ0pe,rMQdJc,Sz7W7c,CTcde,NVcOs,PZhDZb,Aihl6c,J03Die:185
G$n.ha @ m=rn4kU,yWJZbc,PaBahd,MMhUM,cs,zm225,o2ajQe,kRtote,Av2a7c,kbPIy,igbF5,Trl7bc,cv,dFpypf,MigGy,jVZ0pe,rMQdJc,Sz7W7c,CTcde,NVcOs,PZhDZb,Aihl6c,J03Die:185
(anonymous) @ m=rn4kU,yWJZbc,PaBahd,MMhUM,cs,zm225,o2ajQe,kRtote,Av2a7c,kbPIy,igbF5,Trl7bc,cv,dFpypf,MigGy,jVZ0pe,rMQdJc,Sz7W7c,CTcde,NVcOs,PZhDZb,Aihl6c,J03Die:187
m6a.ha @ m=b:915
_.LG @ m=b:2289
uMe @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:464
xMe @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:465
zMe @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:465
(anonymous) @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:466
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
(anonymous) @ m=b:3483
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
_.BCc @ m=b:3500
(anonymous) @ m=b:3498
CCc.handleEvent @ m=b:3497
postMessage (async)
jCc @ m=b:3489
_.DCc.wa @ m=b:3498
_.JCc @ m=b:3499
PBc @ m=b:3499
HBc @ m=b:3483
_.FBc.Ao @ m=b:3480
S5a.Ao @ m=b:898
D0a @ m=b:893
B0a @ m=b:671
Sw.ha @ m=b:670
D2b.ha @ m=b:2280
(anonymous) @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:395
L2b.oa @ m=b:2284
y6a.wa @ m=b:929
O5a.Ao @ m=b:896
b3b.Ao @ m=b:2297
D0a @ m=b:893
B0a @ m=b:671
Sw.ha @ m=b:670
j6a.Ia @ m=b:913
g6a.wa @ m=b:908
O5a.Ao @ m=b:896
D0a @ m=b:893
B0a @ m=b:671
Sw.ha @ m=b:670
D2b.ha @ m=b:2280
(anonymous) @ m=b:3719
Promise.then (async)
_.kM @ m=b:3719
Hhf.load @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:986
uhf @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:982
vhf.ha @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:982
(anonymous) @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:402
m6a.ha @ m=b:915
_.LG @ m=b:2289
S2b.wa @ m=b:2288
(anonymous) @ m=b:3483
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
_.BCc @ m=b:3500
(anonymous) @ m=b:3498
CCc.handleEvent @ m=b:3497
postMessage (async)
jCc @ m=b:3489
_.DCc.wa @ m=b:3498
_.JCc @ m=b:3499
PBc @ m=b:3499
HBc @ m=b:3483
_.FBc.Ao @ m=b:3480
_.QG @ m=b:2294
QAc.hw @ m=b:3461
_.wDc.Ci @ m=b:3518
(anonymous) @ m=Zxsddf:38
l6a.oa @ m=b:912
h6a.Ya @ m=b:910
g6a.wa @ m=b:908
O5a.Ao @ m=b:896
D0a @ m=b:893
_.u.Qx @ m=b:669
_.i6a @ m=b:907
_.Cy @ m=b:922
(anonymous) @ m=Zxsddf:38
m6a.ha @ m=b:915
_.LG @ m=b:2289
S2b.wa @ m=b:2288
O5a.Ao @ m=b:896
_.QG @ m=b:2294
_.BCe @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:364
tLe.ha @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:454
EUo @ m=Zxsddf:38
UUo.start @ m=Zxsddf:45
(anonymous) @ m=m,m_i,i20jfd,lKrWxc,hkjXJ,gYOl6d,HXLjIb,DL8jZe,xaQcye,oRmHt,E1P0kd,pE92lb,v2eEBc:1709
(anonymous) @ m=b:143
_.Fq.x6b @ m=b:352
Promise.then (async)
_.Fq.I1 @ m=b:352
_.Fq @ m=b:352
nQa @ m=b:360
_.Lp.OJ @ m=b:359
_.Lp.kEd @ m=b:359
l @ m=b:360
Promise.then (async)
w0a @ m=b:667
Sw.then @ m=b:673
pQa @ m=b:360
eQa @ m=b:360
_.Lp.OJ @ m=b:359
(anonymous) @ m=b:353
g.wa @ m=b:358
_.Lp.dma @ m=b:362
mQa @ m=b:361
_.Lp.kMa @ m=b:361
_.Fq.x6b @ m=b:352
Promise.then (async)
_.Fq.I1 @ m=b:352
_.Fq @ m=b:352
nQa @ m=b:360
_.Lp.OJ @ m=b:359
(anonymous) @ m=b:353
_.Kp.kW @ m=b:747
_.Ax @ m=b:744
_.Kp.then @ m=b:745
(anonymous) @ m=m,m_i,i20jfd,lKrWxc,hkjXJ,gYOl6d,HXLjIb,DL8jZe,xaQcye,oRmHt,E1P0kd,pE92lb,v2eEBc:1709
(anonymous) @ m=a:1826
(anonymous) @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:733
m6a.ha @ m=b:915
_.LG @ m=b:2289
(anonymous) @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:459
m6a.ha @ m=b:915
_.LG @ m=b:2289
S2b.wa @ m=b:2288
(anonymous) @ m=b:3483
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
_.BCc @ m=b:3500
(anonymous) @ m=b:3498
CCc.handleEvent @ m=b:3497
postMessage (async)
jCc @ m=b:3489
_.DCc.wa @ m=b:3498
_.JCc @ m=b:3499
PBc @ m=b:3499
HBc @ m=b:3483
_.FBc.Ao @ m=b:3480
_.QG @ m=b:2294
PFe @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:402
_.u.$0 @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:403
(anonymous) @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:403
m6a.ha @ m=b:915
_.LG @ m=b:2289
fnc.Ha @ m=b:3182
(anonymous) @ m=b:3218
m6a.ha @ m=b:915
_.LG @ m=b:2289
hnc.Ha @ m=b:3184
_.u.Mpa @ m=ebdd,sps,l,spit,t,lLYctc,anc:805
(anonymous) @ m=rn4kU,yWJZbc,PaBahd,MMhUM,cs,zm225,o2ajQe,kRtote,Av2a7c,kbPIy,igbF5,Trl7bc,cv,dFpypf,MigGy,jVZ0pe,rMQdJc,Sz7W7c,CTcde,NVcOs,PZhDZb,Aihl6c,J03Die:4853
(anonymous) @ m=m,m_i,i20jfd,lKrWxc,hkjXJ,gYOl6d,HXLjIb,DL8jZe,xaQcye,oRmHt,E1P0kd,pE92lb,v2eEBc:2067
(anonymous) @ m=m,m_i,i20jfd,lKrWxc,hkjXJ,gYOl6d,HXLjIb,DL8jZe,xaQcye,oRmHt,E1P0kd,pE92lb,v2eEBc:2067
g.wa @ m=b:358
_.Lp.dma @ m=b:362
mQa @ m=b:361
_.Lp.kMa @ m=b:361
_.Fq.x6b @ m=b:352
Promise.then (async)
_.Fq.I1 @ m=b:352
_.Fq @ m=b:352
nQa @ m=b:360
_.Lp.OJ @ m=b:359
(anonymous) @ m=b:353
(anonymous) @ m=b:3885
_.T1a.execute @ m=b:719
e @ m=b:1201
Z1a @ m=b:722
_.V1a.onLoad @ m=b:722
_.u.gsa @ m=b:3883
_.u.gsa @ m=b:1068
_.B @ m=b:112
(anonymous) @ m=rn4kU,yWJZbc,PaBahd,MMhUM,cs,zm225,o2ajQe,kRtote,Av2a7c,kbPIy,igbF5,Trl7bc,cv,dFpypf,MigGy,jVZ0pe,rMQdJc,Sz7W7c,CTcde,NVcOs,PZhDZb,Aihl6c,J03Die:28
(anonymous) @ m=rn4kU,yWJZbc,PaBahd,MMhUM,cs,zm225,o2ajQe,kRtote,Av2a7c,kbPIy,igbF5,Trl7bc,cv,dFpypf,MigGy,jVZ0pe,rMQdJc,Sz7W7c,CTcde,NVcOs,PZhDZb,Aihl6c,J03Die:5668
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
_.Wy.send @ m=b:1000
_.u.h8 @ m=b:1685
_.vD.Kub @ m=b:1665
_.u.Kub @ m=a:1762
_.NHb @ m=b:1666
_.vD.Ka @ m=b:1666
_.vD.send @ m=b:1661
_.u.send @ m=a:1760
_.u.send @ m=b:1645
Xsl @ m=lC97vf:9
Wsl.Ca @ m=lC97vf:8
(anonymous) @ m=m,m_i,i20jfd,lKrWxc,hkjXJ,gYOl6d,HXLjIb,DL8jZe,xaQcye,oRmHt,E1P0kd,pE92lb,v2eEBc:1023
g.wa @ m=b:358
_.Lp.dma @ m=b:362
mQa @ m=b:361
_.Lp.kMa @ m=b:361
(anonymous) @ m=ZThjHe,cXmWHe,mib1Lb,PDSZTe,Wwwwbc,pmnVQ,M184fc,ZUhrff,x8nlqe,xivAT,jPErQb,Z16oCd,wS0DLb,wHcxDd,Q8AZuf,MAQNkf,djoBOd,AQzzK:657
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
(anonymous) @ m=b:3483
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
_.BCc @ m=b:3500
(anonymous) @ m=b:3498
CCc.handleEvent @ m=b:3497
postMessage (async)
jCc @ m=b:3489
_.DCc.wa @ m=b:3498
_.JCc @ m=b:3499
PBc @ m=b:3499
HBc @ m=b:3483
_.FBc.Ao @ m=b:3480
(anonymous) @ m=ZThjHe,cXmWHe,mib1Lb,PDSZTe,Wwwwbc,pmnVQ,M184fc,ZUhrff,x8nlqe,xivAT,jPErQb,Z16oCd,wS0DLb,wHcxDd,Q8AZuf,MAQNkf,djoBOd,AQzzK:657
nQa @ m=b:360
_.Lp.OJ @ m=b:359
(anonymous) @ m=b:353
(anonymous) @ m=b:3885
_.T1a.execute @ m=b:719
e @ m=b:1201
Z1a @ m=b:722
_.V1a.onLoad @ m=b:722
_.u.gsa @ m=b:3883
_.u.gsa @ m=b:1068
_.B @ m=b:112
(anonymous) @ m=lC97vf:11
(anonymous) @ m=lC97vf:15
m=f6apvd:10 GET net::ERR_FAILED
P7k @ m=f6apvd:10
u8k @ m=f6apvd:24
W8k @ m=f6apvd:54
_.R8k.Dvb @ m=f6apvd:53
(anonymous) @ m=m,m_i,i20jfd,lKrWxc,hkjXJ,gYOl6d,HXLjIb,DL8jZe,xaQcye,oRmHt,E1P0kd,pE92lb,v2eEBc:1026
g.wa @ m=b:358
_.Lp.dma @ m=b:362
mQa @ m=b:361
_.Lp.kMa @ m=b:361
(anonymous) @ m=ZThjHe,cXmWHe,mib1Lb,PDSZTe,Wwwwbc,pmnVQ,M184fc,ZUhrff,x8nlqe,xivAT,jPErQb,Z16oCd,wS0DLb,wHcxDd,Q8AZuf,MAQNkf,djoBOd,AQzzK:657
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
(anonymous) @ m=b:3483
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
_.BCc @ m=b:3500
(anonymous) @ m=b:3498
CCc.handleEvent @ m=b:3497
postMessage (async)
jCc @ m=b:3489
_.DCc.wa @ m=b:3498
_.JCc @ m=b:3499
PBc @ m=b:3499
HBc @ m=b:3483
_.FBc.Ao @ m=b:3480
(anonymous) @ m=ZThjHe,cXmWHe,mib1Lb,PDSZTe,Wwwwbc,pmnVQ,M184fc,ZUhrff,x8nlqe,xivAT,jPErQb,Z16oCd,wS0DLb,wHcxDd,Q8AZuf,MAQNkf,djoBOd,AQzzK:657
nQa @ m=b:360
_.Lp.OJ @ m=b:359
_.Lp.kEd @ m=b:359
l @ m=b:360
Promise.then (async)
pQa @ m=b:360
eQa @ m=b:360
_.Lp.OJ @ m=b:359
(anonymous) @ m=b:353
g.wa @ m=b:358
_.Lp.dma @ m=b:362
mQa @ m=b:361
_.Lp.kMa @ m=b:361
(anonymous) @ m=ZThjHe,cXmWHe,mib1Lb,PDSZTe,Wwwwbc,pmnVQ,M184fc,ZUhrff,x8nlqe,xivAT,jPErQb,Z16oCd,wS0DLb,wHcxDd,Q8AZuf,MAQNkf,djoBOd,AQzzK:657
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
(anonymous) @ m=b:3483
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
_.BCc @ m=b:3500
(anonymous) @ m=b:3498
CCc.handleEvent @ m=b:3497
postMessage (async)
jCc @ m=b:3489
_.DCc.wa @ m=b:3498
_.JCc @ m=b:3499
PBc @ m=b:3499
HBc @ m=b:3483
_.FBc.Ao @ m=b:3480
(anonymous) @ m=ZThjHe,cXmWHe,mib1Lb,PDSZTe,Wwwwbc,pmnVQ,M184fc,ZUhrff,x8nlqe,xivAT,jPErQb,Z16oCd,wS0DLb,wHcxDd,Q8AZuf,MAQNkf,djoBOd,AQzzK:657
nQa @ m=b:360
_.Lp.OJ @ m=b:359
(anonymous) @ m=b:353
(anonymous) @ m=b:3885
_.T1a.execute @ m=b:719
e @ m=b:1201
Z1a @ m=b:722
_.V1a.onLoad @ m=b:722
_.u.gsa @ m=b:3883
_.u.gsa @ m=b:1068
_.B @ m=b:112
(anonymous) @ m=f6apvd:56
(anonymous) @ m=f6apvd:60
/mail/u/0/#inbox:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to fetch
Promise.then (async)
_.R8k.Dvb @ m=f6apvd:53
(anonymous) @ m=m,m_i,i20jfd,lKrWxc,hkjXJ,gYOl6d,HXLjIb,DL8jZe,xaQcye,oRmHt,E1P0kd,pE92lb,v2eEBc:1026
g.wa @ m=b:358
_.Lp.dma @ m=b:362
mQa @ m=b:361
_.Lp.kMa @ m=b:361
(anonymous) @ m=ZThjHe,cXmWHe,mib1Lb,PDSZTe,Wwwwbc,pmnVQ,M184fc,ZUhrff,x8nlqe,xivAT,jPErQb,Z16oCd,wS0DLb,wHcxDd,Q8AZuf,MAQNkf,djoBOd,AQzzK:657
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
(anonymous) @ m=b:3483
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
_.BCc @ m=b:3500
(anonymous) @ m=b:3498
CCc.handleEvent @ m=b:3497
postMessage (async)
jCc @ m=b:3489
_.DCc.wa @ m=b:3498
_.JCc @ m=b:3499
PBc @ m=b:3499
HBc @ m=b:3483
_.FBc.Ao @ m=b:3480
(anonymous) @ m=ZThjHe,cXmWHe,mib1Lb,PDSZTe,Wwwwbc,pmnVQ,M184fc,ZUhrff,x8nlqe,xivAT,jPErQb,Z16oCd,wS0DLb,wHcxDd,Q8AZuf,MAQNkf,djoBOd,AQzzK:657
nQa @ m=b:360
_.Lp.OJ @ m=b:359
_.Lp.kEd @ m=b:359
l @ m=b:360
Promise.then (async)
pQa @ m=b:360
eQa @ m=b:360
_.Lp.OJ @ m=b:359
(anonymous) @ m=b:353
g.wa @ m=b:358
_.Lp.dma @ m=b:362
mQa @ m=b:361
_.Lp.kMa @ m=b:361
(anonymous) @ m=ZThjHe,cXmWHe,mib1Lb,PDSZTe,Wwwwbc,pmnVQ,M184fc,ZUhrff,x8nlqe,xivAT,jPErQb,Z16oCd,wS0DLb,wHcxDd,Q8AZuf,MAQNkf,djoBOd,AQzzK:657
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
(anonymous) @ m=b:3483
hUa.wa @ m=b:452
_.BCc @ m=b:3500
(anonymous) @ m=b:3498
CCc.handleEvent @ m=b:3497
postMessage (async)
jCc @ m=b:3489
_.DCc.wa @ m=b:3498
_.JCc @ m=b:3499
PBc @ m=b:3499
HBc @ m=b:3483
_.FBc.Ao @ m=b:3480
(anonymous) @ m=ZThjHe,cXmWHe,mib1Lb,PDSZTe,Wwwwbc,pmnVQ,M184fc,ZUhrff,x8nlqe,xivAT,jPErQb,Z16oCd,wS0DLb,wHcxDd,Q8AZuf,MAQNkf,djoBOd,AQzzK:657
nQa @ m=b:360
_.Lp.OJ @ m=b:359
(anonymous) @ m=b:353
(anonymous) @ m=b:3885
_.T1a.execute @ m=b:719
e @ m=b:1201
Z1a @ m=b:722
_.V1a.onLoad @ m=b:722
_.u.gsa @ m=b:3883
_.u.gsa @ m=b:1068
_.B @ m=b:112
(anonymous) @ m=f6apvd:56
(anonymous) @ m=f6apvd:60

All back to normal it seems. :crossed_fingers:

1 Like

Sounds great! Please provide a step by step way to achieve what you did so @Alyssarya @rgrainer and @hellodave could give it a try!

OK, pretty simple, don’t be put off by all the stuff in the console window.

  • In your regular profile go to the Basic HTML Gmail tab and press the following keys together. Ctrl-Shift-I (that is the letter I not number 1).
  • A section will open up, usually at the bottom of the page. It is used by developers to debug but you don’t have to concern yourself with any of it, just let it sit there. The tab that you’re viewing - Gmail - will be resized and be a bit smaller, it might look like the page is on a mobile phone. Don’t worry about that either.
  • On the GMail page use the mouse to click the “standard” link and let the page refresh.
  • That’s all I did and everything went back to normal. You can close the console by pressing Ctrl-Shift-I again or clicking the “X” at the top left of the console menu.

Oh, also in case it makes a difference, the “inbox type” I use in GMail does not have Smart features switched on.

1 Like

Oh how odd, this fixed it for me as well.
With the dev tools open, just clicking the “standard” link didn’t work, but Ctrl clicking to open in a new tab did.
I use the “start from last time” setting and my gmail tab is never closed.
I wonder if that had something to do with it.
Very, very odd! Thanks @AgentStarling

Edit - just to note, the original tab still won’t load normal HTML, but the new one loads it fine every time.


Very odd indeed. My GMail tab is pinned and I too have “Continue where you left off” set, but the pinned tab is holding steady.

The weirdest thing about this issue is that the Standard link wouldn’t work if not clicked through the console. Is there a possible explanation for that behavior?


For a long time, I have wondered how / why a webpage will develop / be rendered differently, because the Developer Tools window is open. I suspect that difference is because of timing and how timing may affect the order of appearance.

In that, a website server has expectations (responses from your browser, and a window of time in which such responses are to occur, plus the order of fetching / getting the to-and-fro of what passes between server and browser) - call that, Plan A.

If Plan A flops (because the server is not satisfied), then the website server goes to Plan B - some fall back position at which to make a diluted 2nd attempt to get communications going and safisfy your browser’s wish to render “at least something” of a webpage.

Currently, I have 2 sources for guidance re Developer Tools (about which, I am almost certain you know this stuff), that I’ll add here (for whomever is interested in learning more about DevTools):

How to Use Web Browser Developer Tools

(March 24, 2020)

Chrome Developers > Network Features Reference

(April 13, 2015 article by Kayce Basques)


AgentStarling’s work around with hellodave’s addition of opening in a new tab worked for me. The previous tab had been pinned and refused to return to standard mode, but opening in a new tab, then re-pinning and replacing the old tab seemed to work for now. This works with Smart Features either turned on or off.

Thanks for the help, all, as this issue was driving me nuts.


This worked. Thanks! Note that the “standard” link is at the bottom of the screen.

I’m happy to report success finally. Closed gmail in current session, opened a new private window and started gmail and it opened with correct standard appearance. Closed the private window, closed the other current session then restarted it and opened gmail in a new tab and it was set back to normal.

Thanks to all for your help in trouble shooting this