I was excited to get started using the Brave browser and ditch Chrome. However, I’m disappointed and sad that every website I visit has the images, thumbnails, and icons turned into a GIF of a creepy squirrel staring at me.
I’m having the issue described above with my desktop browser on any website I visit.
Well, I’m hoping somebody can chime in and provide a potential solution so I can get to browse the internet without the creepiness of either big tech or the squirrel following me around.
Version 1.35.100 Chromium: 98.0.4758.87 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Well, I’m glad to hear that you got it figured out before they got your nuts. Also don’t know if I should worry that you could not tell the difference between a chipmunk and a squirrel. lol
Oh, and is it sad that I had this song pop up into my mind? Remember it from babysitting my nephew a while back.