Gemini currently not available in your region error!

Briefly describe your issue: Gemini currently not available in your region error, worked before on another computer with the same Brave version on Ubuntu

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? (Menu --> About Brave) Ubuntu 22.04.3, Brave Version 1.57.62 Chromium: 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Who is your verified custodian? Gemini

Are you in a supported region? Yes in the United States and selected that.

I got a new computer and installed the latest version of Brave and it says that Gemini is not supported in my region, even though I’m located in the United States

So you have the Gemini button greyed out on the brave rewards page or is it saying region unsupported after trying to connect?

Anyways, Gemini is down for new connections. It’s working for existing users already connected to gemini.

can’t be fixed. Supported regions for connecting to Brave rewards for gemini are different than the ones which are supported by Gemini.
Find the list at

Yeah, VPN won’t do it. It’s going to go based on what country you choose in Rewards and your passport that matches that country. Both are necessary.

In terms of Gemini for now though, the integration was completely down for a bit. They were able to get it restored for those who were already connected. Unfortunately no new connections can be made at this time. I’m not quite sure when or if that will change. I’m not really getting any updates with ETAs for it, just know that they are in talks with Gemini and trying to get it figured out.

Somewhat different in my case is that I have 2 desktop computers with Brave in sync that are working with Gemini while the 3rd synced system, a laptop, can not be connected to Gemini with the same region error. Not sure if it is the same reason, my ad rewards have stopped updating for a month now.

@aqq issue has been that Gemini is down. They were able to partially get things up so browsers which had been connected to Gemini could login again, but it’s been to the point where new connections to browsers/profiles that hadn’t been connected can’t be done.

If you check and kind of look through posts, such as PSA: Known issue with Gemini (Gemini is down) you’ll see where it’s been discussed a bit and shows like screenshot below

Rewards doesn’t sync, so that part doesn’t matter.

Hard to say. If it was connected, it should remain connected and you’ll see it mention at brave://rewards-internals. It would be weird if it fully disconnected, even on the back end. But if it is seeing it in a logged out state, then you’d not be able to earn since you must be connected to a custodial partner to earn BAT.

But other possible issue could be that your account (Rewards profile) got flagged.

When you say your Rewards have stopped updating for a month now, is that on just one device or all of them?

Unfortunately, the reward update stopped on all the devices, desktop, laptop, and mobile. The laptop is the one that can’t get connected to Gemini. How can I find out if my account got flagged and how to resolve it? No idea how that happened though…

When you say, “can’t be done” do you mean it can’t be fixed? I’m new to Brave and the rewards program, and I REALLY don’t want to use Uphold, as it seems many people have numerous issues with them. If I wait long enough this will be fixed eventually and I’ll be able to link Gemini, correct?

Yes. It will be fixed. No timeline on that though.

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Someday, hopefully they don’t go out of business first.

So I can’t connect with Gemini and I just reluctantly tried to logon with the Uphold account that I created in the past, but their website isn’t allowing logons (imagine that).

Is Brave really going to drop everyone’s virtual BAT balances on Oct 30th like their warning says… even though their users are unable to link to either of these custodial services? Seems that they should push back the end of the virtual wallets until the can get these services working properly. Otherwise, Brave is going to look a little shady dropping peoples BAT at a time when they are unable to link to a custodial account.

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What error you get @nate42 when trying to connect to Uphold?

Also, vBAT was never supposed to be permanent. It just makes it harder to track bat. Like vBAT is not on chain, but then they still need to account for it not knowing if the vBAT given will become on chain once connected to Uphold or Gemini (cause some regions can be unsupported rn but may be supported in the future and other reasons). That just complicates things therefore since February, only on chain payments.

Completely understand that vBAT wasn’t meant to be permanent. I had created the Uphold account some time ago, but never connected it, because I heard good things about the upcoming connection to Gemini. Sounds like Gemini was available for awhile, before breaking, but I didn’t get around to connecting it at that time.

Either way the logon to Uphold fails and says wrong password. Trying to reset the password says that an email has been sent, but never arrives. I’ve opened a ticket with Uphold, which that ticket did email me. So it isn’t an a issue with my email. Will see what their support says. Worst case, I’ll just open a different Uphold account with a different email or something. I’ll message how things turn out.

Would probably still make sense to get things working with Gemini before eliminating vBAT.

To follow up. Found that my uphold account was deactivated. Unfortunately, Uphold doesn’t have a way to re-activate, so you have to create a new account. Not the best solution, but made it work.

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