Full Black screen while playing video on Brave

Hi guys,
Full Black screen appears when I watch videos on the Brave browser. While the video plays fine initially, if I go full screen and lock my phone, unlocking it causes the video to stop showing—though the audio continues. Even when I exit full screen, the video doesn’t display. I can still forward or rewind, but the screen remains black.

It seems like the issue might be related to the transition from full screen to normal screen, as the time, network, and battery indicators at the top don’t reappear.

I’m facing this issue on my iPhone 13 running iOS 17.2.1 with the latest Brave version (1.61). Any suggestions?

Please edit your Original Post(“OP”), above, to indicate an additional category:

  • Mobile Support

and an additional tag:

  • ios

And a suggestion: Changing your OP title to:

Full Black screen while playing video on Brave Browser (iOS)

BTW, you can update to iOS 17.7.1 without risk of going directly to iOS 18; and, your Brave Browser version can also be updated.

Not seeing this behavior on my end. I’ve asked a few Brave team members to test and see if they can reproduce the issue.

Upon rereading your post, you appear to be several versions behind. This issue was fixed back with the release of v1.64:

Please update your browser to the latest build and you should be good to go.

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