First Party (Google) Ad Blocking Support on iOS

Howdy! Is there a place (roadmap) for me to check whether first party ad blocking is being considered for the mobile versions of Brave browsers?

I see in June 2019 there was a “official” comment indicating this was a good idea.

Thanks friends, awesome browser all around, be well.

I guess these Google ads are really tricky. I got a Pi-hole set up on Google Cloud Compute, so I learned how difficult Google has made it to block their ads.

I’d be really impressed if Brave for iOS was ever able to block these particular first-party ads!

Good news:
“1Blocker for Safari” is able to kill Google Ads on iOS

Bad news:
You have to use Safari. Bleh!!

The search continues :slight_smile:

Hey, does anybody know how skilled a volunteer would have to be to contribute this feature? It would require extensive programming knowledge and not just be a matter of maintaining a filter list, right?

(I’m a person who understands pseudo-code, and say HTML as I look at it, but I’m not actually a programmer.)

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