iOS brave://adblock

I’m currently on Android but may be switching to iOS at some point in the future and am having trouble finding some information.

Brave on Android runs on chromium so that allows us to run chromium commands such as brave://flags or brave://about. With that, I actively use brave://adblock to add additional filters to Brave shields. I was wondering if Brave on iOS has any equivalent to adding additional filters? I asked my friend that uses iOS to try brave://adblock but that doesn’t do anything since I’m assuming WebKit doesn’t recognize those types of commands. Is there some sort of equivalent on iOS or is something in the works to enable this functionality?

Appreciate any info.

Hi there @somerandomdude, welcome to community.

Thanks for pointing this out. Unfortunately brave://adblock internal ad blocks aren’t available due to Apple design. However, if you would like to have this a feature, feel free to open a thread in Feature Request. The more voices on a particular feature will usually get the attention of Brave.

Salty :banana:

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