February 2020 Publisher Payout Megathread

Still didn’t get my payment for referrals this month. Usually by now payments are made. Any feedback? Thanks.

still didnt got my payment for refferals :frowning:

Same for me :frowning_face: @Asad , @steeven please help…

patience is a virtue just wait guys

Still 5-7 hours ahead for usual time schedule, if there are delays even longer.

Hello you said that you accepted my appeal and now you suspended again those BAT supposed to be sent this months. Please check it again !


@Asad Please help me sir please !

anyone got paid already?

I’m still waiting for payment

no payment until now :frowning:

I receive it thank you :kissing_closed_eyes:

really? what the amount of BAT and when? screenshot pls.

I also got nothing yet.

just wait guys :slight_smile: they will pay you

Dont they have an auto software at Uphold to update the numbers from the Brave spreadsheet?

I receive it



My payout is incomplete, i have only received 6.65 BAT to my Uphold account. I have 800 or so BAT in the payout process, & received only 6.65 BAT, this never happened, when will I receive the remaining BAT which is currently in the Payout??

Got the payment, thanks Brave.

i got my payment round about 2h ago

Only got 25 of 83 just now. Most of that was sitting there all of January and was never reviewed at the beginning of January for December so it stacked with January but only 25 is reviewed. Seems like a problem to me…