February 2020 Ads Payout Megathread

This is the official support thread for this month’s Ads payout. Please direct any issues related to this month’s Ads payouts here.

if you’re a Creator with questions about February’s’s payout, please see our February Publisher payout megathread instead.

Before posting here, make sure none of common reasons for missing an Ads payout apply to you:

  1. Anyone whose BAT balance has suddenly dropped or zeroed out should fully exit and restart the Brave client. Make sure to completely exit out of the program and try again. This should fix most of the cases here – if not, please let us know and we’ll dig into your account!
  2. Ads payouts have now fully completed (including retroactive Ads payouts from past balances). If you didn’t get paid, email us the details (see the below instructions on writing in).
  3. If you’re expecting an Ads payout you didn’t get, you may be in an unsupported region. Brave Ads payouts are only available to those residing in supported regions.

If you are a Brave browser user who did not receive your Brave Ads earnings (or, your earnings from previous months still have not been transferred to your linked Uphold account), and none of the above apply to you , please email us at [email protected] with the subject line “February Ads payment missing”.

With your email, please include:

  1. Your country (the country in which your browser is active)
  2. Go to brave://rewards-internals on your affected browser and cut/paste the details into the email. Do not share this data on public threads!
  3. If you have a verified Brave Rewards user wallet , the email associated with your verified Uphold account.

Dear Asad,

Just to let you know that, I also monitored the past month and the issue with the number of ads seen compared to the pending BAT is still not fixed.
I will let you know if the amount I receive is the correct one once I receive it.

Best Regards

I did not have the notification yesterday to withdraw my BAT from my Uphold wallet. After losing the tokens, I cannot recover what I have left. Can you help me ?


I have same problem.

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I have the same problem.

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same problem here. Does anybody know how to solve it?


No message to withdraw my reward was seen yesterday (5th Feb) and I checked all day. Now it appears that the next payment date is 5th March and the estimated pending reward got reset, as if the BAT for January was lost. What happened?

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did not received brave rewards on feb 5


I didnt recieve mine either! Wth! And where the hell is support…no answer what so ever

same i did not recieve mine, usually there is a confirmation button to accept your reward at the end of the month but this time the confirmation button did not appear and it seems i have to wait till next month

for some reason mine said payout was Mar. 5 during the last half of january…doesn’t look like its going into my uphold account. it’s always worked before.

CET timezone
phone - claimed (into local wallet)
pc (nightly) - pending
pc (dev) - claimed (available on uphold)
pc (beta) - pending
pc (standard) - claimed (into local wallet) - not linked to uphold due to 3 wallets limitation

so I would say, lets wait couple of hours, something is happening :slight_smile:

Dear all,

just a question: My rewards are still pending. The payment should have been done yesterday 05/02. Now the next payment date is changed to 05/03 but rewards are still pending. See scree shot below.
I’m using Brave from desktop Version 1.2.43 Chromium: 79.0.3945.130 (Official Build) (64-bit)
The wallet is synchronized with a mobile device using Android.

Could you please give a look?

Thank you so much,


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I keep trying to read these posts so that I could see what to do , or what is being done about it. I was cheated out of some of my funds in JAN as well as feb now. Since this is my first 2 months using brave everyday…its not a good start…wheres my BAT. WHY closing the threads without letting people see/fix what happened, Will we ever get our payment for viewing ads?

On my brave browser DEV I got my BAT with no issues.
On my normal Brave I have not received it and there is a different number on the main page and a different number on the rewards page. The payout date has changed from 5Feb to 5Mar. And the amount is wrong it should be much higher.
Finally on my mobile I clicked on claim but I haven’t received anything to my uphold account?! Please advise accordingly! Thank you! Screenshot 2020-02-06 at 7.00.56 PM|412x499

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This is the 6th month in a row I haven’t received any ad rewards in my two Windows 10 browsers, both have a verified Uphold wallet connected.
In my Android browser I receive the rewards without any problem.
On a third Windows 10 PC which I didn’t connect to my verified account I also received the rewards.

I have already a verified uphold wallet linked to the browser. I expected payment on Feb 5 but wallet is empty and compelling to wait another month. Please kindly help why this is happening to me?

Same with me 3 Mont not get Anything

My BAT is showing as pending rewards but it won’t show up on my wallet… Hope can I fix this?