Error during swaps - invalid sender (bsc network)

Hi, I’m having an issue trying to swap eth to bnb using the bsc network added to the brave wallet, it keeps giving me an error saying invalid sender whenever I try to swap currency. Thank you in advance for the assistance.

Hey @Marah775, happy to help!

May I ask where you are attempting to make this Swap and where you are seeing this error? :pray: :slight_smile:

Douglas Daniel

Hi, thank you for your help. :pray:
I was using the brave browser wallet on the desktop. I have added the binance network to the wallet. I have both BNB and ethereum tokens inside the wallet on the binance Smart chain.
I have enough BNB for gas fees and was just trying to convert eth to BNB and It gives me the error.

Whenever I try to swap eth to BNB on the bsc network inside the brave browser wallet I’ll get an invalid sender error. The token is called binance-peg Ethereum.
Thank you.

@Marah775 Thank you for reporting this :pray: :slight_smile:,
We have found the problem and have a fix working it’s way up to release!

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Thank you so much for your help.
I appreciate it. :sunglasses::v:

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We have pushed the fix to the latest release. Please update the browser and it should be fixed. Happy swapping!

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