Brave crypto wallet error after latest update

Hello, just updated Brave … since then when using the crypto wallet im getting this error … ? On all applications (CURVE, AAVE. ,etc ) Network (POLYGON)

legacy pre-eip-155 transactions not supported (error={“code”:-32603,“message”:“Error: [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC ‘{“value”:{“code”:-32603,“message”:“Internal JSON-RPC error.”,“data”:{“code”:-32000,“message”:“only replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions allowed over RPC”}}}’”}, method=“sendTransaction”, transaction=undefined, code=UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, version=providers/5.4.3)

Worked fine this morning … error right after i did the update !


@spare Thank you for reporting! I’ve sent to the team and they are working to implement a fix ASAP.


Thank you very much !!!

Hi @spare,

A couple of follow up questions to nail this down:

  1. What type of transaction are you doing? Can you reproduce the error if it’s a basic account to account transfer (on Polygon or Binance Smart Chain)?
  • which network are you connected to, including details (screenshot of Settings > Network would help).

@steeven I have also issue with the Brave wallet since today, in my case the different is that the error shows invalid sender, I use in BSC network and my setting is exactly like shows Binance Academy of course Mainnet


I’m also having an issue where I cannot send/transact in anyway using Brave Crypto Wallet.


Have tried on multiple mainnets and have tried “restoring” account.

On OpenSea when trying to list or buy NFTs, I get an “action declined in your wallet” error.

When trying to transfer funds to different accounts, it merely auto-fails - with no error message available and nothing populating on Etherscan.


I’m having issues too but a different error 32602 transaction could not be decoded.

It seems like it started when the metamask gas section was updated.


I also have the error you describe.

Unknown error: “Error: [ethjs-query]
while formatting outputs from RPC
“transaction could not be decoded: unsigned transactions not supported”}}’”.

It also seems that transactions are sent with super low fees but normal gwei, and priority fee.


Please, PLEASE fix this Brave! I’m losing a LOT of money because of this bug! can’t make any transaction on BSC or Polygon!!!

I’ve literally spent all day troubleshooting this to find out it’s the last update to Brave that broke my Crypto Wallet.


Hi, Kindly help to fix it. I have a similar error message for all Chains (ETH, BSC, Polygon) just started this morning at 6AM Jakarta Time. The wallet was able to interact with DApps and showcasing the balance (LP or single asset), but it was instantly failed when interacting with the above blockchains for transaction (sending, withdrawing, approving). The gas fees quoted seem unusual like from local server and unable to update it manually. Another error messages i found on setting pages as follow "Cannot Use “in” operator to search for “0x…” in false. Thanks in advance for solving this issues urgently.


Can we get an status update, please? Oh wait, it’s the weekend now. Maybe don’t push updates on a FRIDAY!


It’s ALL transaction types and I tried on ETH, BSC and Polygon networks.


When are we going to get an ETA on this fix? This bug has been going on for at least 10 hours now with NO ETA. This is also costing me money and it’s really frustrating.

Is there a workaround? I REALLY need to make some transactions.

Thank you for your speedy response.


I’m having the same problem with BSC and Polygon networks with all my transactions failing.

Please help us!


I got the same problem. Everything was working fine this morning, then all of a sudden started getting this error on everything L1 uniswap L2 quickswap. everything gives this error.

Swap failed: Unknown error: “Error: [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC ‘{“value”:{“code”:-32602,“message”:“transaction could not be decoded: unsigned transactions not supported”}}’”.

Get this error on L2 Quickswap. same as post creator.

Swap failed: legacy pre-eip-155 transactions not supported (error={“code”:-32603,“message”:“Error: [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC ‘{“value”:{“code”:-32603,“message”:“Internal JSON-RPC error.”,“data”:{“code”:-32000,“message”:“only replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions allowed over RPC”}}}’”}, method=“sendTransaction”, transaction=undefined, code=UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, version=providers/5.1.2)


in the same boat on this, everything was normal yesterday, now can’t do literally ANY type of transaction on any chain, get same error instantly everytime, what is going on


Same here. I get the following error message “while formatting outputs from RPC… code 32603; code 32000… invalid sender” since the update. I get the same message on the BSC, MATIC and AVAX networks.


Note: I tried to increase gas fees, and reset the account (transactions) but none of these issues have helped.


yeah, appears as though they screwed something up in the update, hope they get it fixed for us soon, currently trapped in all my different Layer 1 holdings lol


Troubleshooting steps I’ve taken:

  1. Tried transactions with many different dapps, all fail.
  2. Tried sending tokens to a friend and myself, fail.
  3. Tried all RPC Links for Polygon, fail.
  4. Tried ETH, BSC, and Polygon chains, the same thing for all of them, fail.
  5. Cleared ALL browser cache, fail.
  6. Turned off VPN, fail.
  7. Restarted computer and cleared cache again, fail.
  8. Reset Brave wallet account, cleared cache, fail.
  9. Upped gas to over 1 million and gwei to over 2000, fail.
  10. Tried setting a custom nonce, fail.
  11. Had a friend send me some MATIC on the Polygon network, I did receive the MATIC but it had no effect when I tried to send a transaction afterwards.

Message I get with every fail:
EthQuery - RPC Error - Error: [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC '{“value”:{“code”:-32603,“message”:“Internal JSON-RPC error.”,“data”:{“code”:-32000,“message”:“only replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions allowed over RPC”}}}'