Cannot send (or swap) BTC from brave wallet

Hello Brave Support Community,

I am unable to send (or swap) BTC from the Brave Wallet.

Description of the issue:

When following the instructions listed here, upon pressing the “Review send” button the form clears, but nothing happens. The confirmation popup described in the instructions does not appear. No error appears on the page, in the extension, or in the console.

Is the issue occurring on a specific network?

BTC on Bitcoin Mainnet

What operating system are you using?

Mac OS Ventura 13.6.4

Brave Version (check About Brave):


Additional Information:

I attempted to find a workaround by swapping BTC for ETH, but Bitcoin does not appear as an option in the swap interface.

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@Aldrich sorry it’s been so long with no replies. Can you confirm if this is still an issue or what your overall status is?

Damn, so many posts about this issue but no solution.
Do we know if the send function works at all?
I’m willing to share my screen (if it wasn’t obvious, I have the exact same issue on latest official release, both mobile and desktop).

Update: probably a compatibility issue with BTCPay (?). Didn’t work with that address, but did work on another address in another wallet I opened.

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