Error: Device limit reached for new user

hi everyone ,im newbie using brave browser ,I was encountered error when connect the uphold into brave browser is show that ‘*Device limit reached’ even the uphold never been used … how to fix it ?

Well, there’s a few oddball things.

  1. They removed the device limit. So that shouldn’t be an issue, assuming you’re using an official version of Brave and have it fully updated.

  2. For it to show Device limit reached would mean Brave has been connected to that Uphold account before.

In any case, all you can do is create a Support Ticket and wait for someone to get back to you.

OMG… uphold never been used before… :relieved: :confused: please check screenshot below…

Not calling a liar or anything. Just said it’s an oddball thing. In any case, I hope you clicked on the link to submit a support ticket as I mentioned and submitted info so they can try to help you.

is this the latest version sir?

Version 1.39.111 Chromium: 102.0.5005.61 (Official Build) (32-bit)

Nope, not at all. Newest is
Version 1.41.96

This one that you asked was released around May 24, 2022.

1.40 and later actually fixed payout issues on browsers where people weren’t getting full rewards, in addition to a few other fixes. So definitely would be good for you to have updated.

Could you please give me the link to notify about the device limit, I will find out. I can’t find the link.


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