Equivalent of Multi-Account Containers or Temporary Containers Extension (FF)

If you want to operate in a mode where ALL sites only store data temporarily, you can set the global default “Forget me when I close…” in settings brave://settings/shields and then selectively allow the sites you want by unchecking the box in Shields icon > Forget me when I close this site.

No, they are distinctly different honestly. There doesn’t seem to be a comparable feature in brave today for this.

Just dropping in to add my voice that this feature is the killer feature I need to move from Firefox to Brave. My work uses two Microsoft domains with separate logins - containers with URL matching is the most seamless way to address the headache.


trying to understand if we could get away with just implementing some key features and surgically insert them to get container like functionality or if what people really want is beyond the scope of what we can prioritize at the moment.

For me the minimum is fairly simple:

Just have tabs be completely oblivious to what is going on in other tabs - ephemeral storage already does this for third party data, but I’d like it to be that way for all data, e.g. a new google tab doesn’t know I’m already logged in to google in another tab

Bonus points for sharing data between tabs that were opened from the parent tab within the same domain, e.g. opening an email in a new tab shares the data with the email main tab it was opened from, whereas opening a search result in a new tab would be disconnected from the search tab (different domain).


Dang, that would be awesome, and I rarely use that word :smiley:

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I’d like to see this as well.

multi account container. I have 2 instagram account. managing multiple tabs is easier than managing multiple profile window

this isn’t just about convenience, it’s also about privacy/security, hence I’d like to see containers isolated from each other by default, or at least have that option for some use cases.