Equivalent of Multi-Account Containers or Temporary Containers Extension (FF)

Same thing here. I don’t understand people that suggest “profiles” as an alternative for containers.

The story behind “profiles” is that Google noticed that people share their browsers and this messes with the targeted ad tracking.

So Google created the “profiles” feature, aimed to fix their problem. It’s a feature to improve ad tracking. It’s not something aimed at privacy or multi-sessions.

Profiles are just to help users to have better-aimed ads. It’s for Bob to not see John’s ads when they use the same browser.

Google doesn’t like containerization because it hurts its core business. They won’t ever implement such a thing on Chrome.

I understand Google’s staff trying to sell “profiles” as a better alternative to containerization. They are protecting their business while pretending they are not. But I don’t understand non-Google staff saying this.

Profiles are a bad workaround for containers. They are not practical. They are not intended to be a container replacement. Using it for this purpose is like opening another browser or a private window - but worse.