Email Redirect not working on and

When you try to click a link in an email you get the error code 403.
Description of the issue:

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Get an Email with a link in it
  2. click the link dont copy paste it
  3. you get errorcode 403


Expected result:

Reproduces how often: Everytime you click on a link on the websites and

Brave Version(about:brave): Version 0.59.34 Chromium: 72.0.3626.81 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Reproducible on current live release : Yes

The bug is no problem as long as the link isnt shortened so you can copy paste the link in the URL bar.

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Any Results? I have the same issue…


Same here. Solutions welcomed

@adrian.mueller, @Bobi, @proton1,
Apologies for the late reply. Before we jump into troubleshooting, @adrian.mueller – I’d like to confirm that everyone is using the most up-to-date release (v0.62.50 at the time of writing this) to make sure we’re all on the same page.

Additional questions (for everyone):

  • Can you tell me which email client you’re using?
  • @adrian.mueller mentions in his initial post:
  • Does this mean that clicking links to these websites specifically from within an email throws 403 error, or does any link opened from within an email throws 403?
  • What operating system are we using?
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Hello! Thanks for the reply @Mattches !

I am using and am logged in to my account there. I get Youtube Emails and when I click them I get the 403.

I do Mint 19 and have tried the newest Brave beta as well as the updated Brave 0.62.5
(Version 0.62.50 Chromium: 73.0.3683.86 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit))

I now realized, it works if I click the link, wait for the 403, click in the webTOyoutube-URL and hit enter again. I then get a notice, I leave and must confirm, and then get to the linked url.

So it works, if i enter the popped up link-url and hit enter again.

There is nothing in the settings I can do to improve this. I tried shutting all security for of as well as other features that could effect this, imo.

Thanks again!

EDIT: Here how it looks:
1: clicking youtube links from within the email-provider gets this 403 error

It just says: “OOPS, there has been a mistake! Error 403”
2: clicking then in the URL hitting “enter” gets this webDE notice:

It says: “You now leave webDE. If you continue you get to an external website.”
3: I click “weiter” here (continue) and then the URL gets soluted and I get to the destination URL (here being youtube).

Thank your for the clarification – looks like I had it backwards!
We have a similar issue to yours with

I’m wondering if these are related. Would you mind sharing the console output for the actions performed?

  1. Login to your email and before clicking the link, go to Menu --> More tools --> Developer tools --> [Console]
  2. Perform the above steps as you described
  3. Submit screenshot here (or copy/paste text)
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Thanks @Mattches! Right on!

Any link from the Email provider webDe shows 403.

  1. Log into the account.
  2. Click any link inside an EMail. (The console does not display anything, at this point.)
  3. Click the URL and hit “enter”.
  4. Click the prompt “Weiter” (being forwarded outside
  5. Destination URL is reached and the outcome at the console as follows:

This issue is not new, it persists several month prior this posting, may be half a year ago.

Since i realized It is just 2 clicks more, im glad this works. Having it fixed would be awesome, anyways!

Thanks so much! Love Brave!

I remember having this problem at least half a year ago, maybe a year.

Will this reach ppl who can solve the issue?


I will push this again. Issue NOT solved. Thank you!

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Thank you for bumping this issue – sorry for the delay. No update on this yet but I just made some noise about it internally. Should hopefully have more information soon.
Thank you for your patience and all the provided data, everyone’s reporting/notes are very useful.

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Hello. I have the same problem, but on
I use Windows 10
Everything is up to date.


I am in the US, and just installed Brave (version 64.77). I use GMX email as one of my main personal email accounts, and I have the same issue described in this thread. If I click on any link in any email in GMX I get “Oops, Something Went Wrong. Error code 403”. I tried the couple suggestions described here, but nothing fixes the problem. This error does not occur with any other browser I have been using, so is there something else I should try in Brave? Thanks is advance for any help.

Thanks. That did work. However, as you have pointed out, you would not want to leave the global setting in the Allow All position. That would defeat the purpose of a browser like Brave. So, now it is going to be very inconvenient to have to change settings every time I want to log into GMX. Is anyone working on a fix for this?

Thanks again.

@ThePhoenix @BraveNew,
To confirm, with Global Shields at their defaults, if you’re logged in and on GMX, if you open the Shields panel and disable the Ads and trackers option (specifically – not Shields down), does GMX still throw the same error?

@BraveNew thanks for that update this should put a smiles on some of the users facing this problem. to the brave team and community thank you

Yes. If I am in GMX and I just change settings, without Allowing Cookies Globally, the error comes up every time. Changing the Global Settings to allow cookies is the only fix I have found at this point.

It is still not working with “Shields DOWN for this site” at webDe.
The issue seems not solved, yet.

How about u take the idea and put it to where the sun don’t shine? Why the ad hominem now? Maybe u read the thread again?

Alright, well that’s just about enough of that – @BraveNew @proton1. We’re all on the same team here and a team functions best when they work together. :point_up: Any more of this high-school-AOL-Chatroom-era flexing and you’ll be silenced without a second thought.

It was stated that you would need to change the Global Shields settings in order for this to work – this is not the same as Shields down. We have some useful documentation on Shields that I recommend you look through for a better understanding of how Shields work and how to use them when browsing:

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For me would “Shields down at this site” be an option. I use webDe only for things allowed to be tracked. Disabling all shields on all sites, im absolutely with @ThePhoenix on this, would kind of defeat the purpose of a browser like Brave.

So this is where i stand. The issue is not solved. And my general goal with barfing into this thread every now and again is, to have an open thread that discribes the issue.

Im only saying this would be good to be solved.