Downloads to NAS stopped working in last update - file does not download, crashes Brave and Finder


When testing, you might serve your self (you are the troubleshooter) well, with running diagnostics windows, such as the following three:

  • In the Brave Browser menu - Help - search for Task Manager, and open the Brave Browser Task Manager.

  • Also, run your MacBook Pro’s Activity

  • Also, run your Brave Browser Developer Tools >> Network (again, use the Help menu to find Developer Tools, and when the DT window displays, select the Network tab).

In a New Window for Brave Browser, enter


There, find in the the page: “Help improve Brave’s features and performance - Automatically sends crash reports to Brave”

A note about that: While crash reports are likely to be automatically sent to Brave . . . there may be a problem with crash reports showing up in the following, if using a New Private Window: So, in a New Window for Brave Browser, enter


If there are recorded (by Brave Browser) crash reports, you will need to keep track of them - copy and paste them into some text file on your Mac. So, when a crash occurs, you may send the Crash ID to Brave Support member @Mattches.

You have previously written:

“The MBP (my laptop-MacBook Pro) mounts (3 drives) automatically on boot from the NAS.”

Are you booting from the NAS? Or, do you mean that there “3 drives” among the drives of the NAS station; and the “3 drives” all mount automatically when you start up your MacBook Pro?

The Mac OS

“is responsible for the launching of other applications, and for the overall user management of files, disks, and network volumes”

The burdens upon the Finder, are many. Such burdens can overwhelm the Finder, when the Spotlight (and mdworker processes) are burdened with their duties re network volumes. You might go to the System Preferences on your MacBook Pro and prevent Spotlight from searching the volumes of your NAS station.

Brave Browser version 1.35.100 for Mac OS, has been an issue of late, re its crashes; for example:

Your MacBook Pro, recent Brave Browser installation/update itself, might be tripping along the edges of near-crashing, and your efforts to run your saving and downloading of files to your NAS station, might be incidentally running, or tripping, along parallel tracks (so to speak) . . . that may trace back to the general, sudden crash issue such as at that link.

@Mattches of Brave Support, will need to know the extensions that you have installed (they should all show in the Brave Browser Task Manager window . . . and what combinations, or individual, Enabling / Disabling of those extensions, you have performed . . . and what were your findings in that regard.

At least, disable and un-install the following extension and application:

  • FireShot (ext)
  • Shottr (app)

When you un-install Shottr (delete it from /Applications/ or run its un-installer if any), go to your

/Users/your_username/Library/Application Support/

directory and see if there is a folder therein, with “Shottr” (or “shottr”) in the name . . . and drag it to your MacBook Pro’s Desktop.

Next, go to your


directory, and see if there is an item therein, with “Shottr” (or “shottr”) in the name . . . and drag it to your MacBook Pro’s Desktop.

After which, you need to Restart your MacBook Pro.

After testing, you can move those items back to where you found them, and before you re-install Shottr.

If possible, you might test your issue with data copying to the NAS station, by making an Ethernet cable connection between your MacBook Pro and your local area network router.

If that works OK, but over Wi-Fi is not working well, then you know that there is at least some kind of data flow and timing (nodes negotiating with /talking to each other) problem, about which, the troublesome version (1.35.100) of Brave Browser, is stumbling.

Brave Browser version 1.35.100 might be stumbling because of the presence of a Chrome installation. You might test, by un-installing both, and then install Brave Browser 1.35.101 (is the latest).

I suggest that, because both applications might have some location where they have one or more files in common.

Have you tested downloading / saving JPG and other file types (other than PDF)?

And, re PDF, have you tested downloading / saving . . . with the Brave Browser switch in each of the two positions:

Just below the 1st / Original Post at:

there is a list of popular links, and some are where you can view, save, and / or downoad PDF files.

Might you test your downloading / saving procedure to your NAS station, using some of those PDF files?

During your testing, what did the 3 diagnostic windows indicate to you, re possible sources of the issue(s) you have with Brave Browser version 1.35.100?

@Mattches is the Brave Support member, who will know (much more) than I.

NOTE TO SELF: Issue might have a relation to:

Under a problem category “Brave bogs down during certain download situations and / or conditions.”