Do I need virus/malware protection if I use Brave as my main browser?

Hi Guys, I have a couple of questions please: 1 - Do I need additional virus/security (I currently have Kaspersky) if I switch to Brave or is Brave secure? And 2 - If I add my crypto Metamask wallet to Brave as a browser extension, is that safe as well? Thank you

I presume we are talking about Windows OS.

No browser can protect you on 100% on windows. Most malware/viruses on windows come from .exe files (executable file). So, if you download brave.exe from official website, then there will be no problem. But if you download brave.exe file from a fake sketchy looking site then there is that .exe file when executed will likely contain malware.
Windows already has an AV (anti-virus) software running in background all the time- Windows defender and firewall. It does all the job a normal AV program does. Still, if you want more security you can run an AV like Kaspersky, Malwarebytes.

But, I will suggest if you are really ‘scared’ of malware to stick to windows official store and download .exe files from official sites. It is same as on android you download .apk files from some sketchy website, the .apk file when installed will likely contain malware. Compared to downloading apps from google play store (aurora store/f-droid) which does not container any malware/viruses whatsoever.

Brave protects you to a lot of extent from other browser like chrome with no ad-blocker. Chrome/edge also have good security provision (unlike privacy features) but brave by default is better than them for security. Brave blocks a lot of ads/trackers and most importantly, redirection of sites. So if you visit some sketchy site and click somewhere, it will redirect you to some scammy site which will ask you to download another .exe file. Eg, visit this site with no ad-blocker (if you are on brave turn shields off, the lion symbol near url bar) Click on any movie card (like the first one-aaaaaah!) and compare the results on normal default edge on Windows and on brave. You will see stark difference between edge and brave.

See It lists all features brave has (and will have) to protect users privacy and security. If you improve a user’s privacy by default (usually) you are improving his security simultaneously. Eg, and The second link is what gives you a warning on the above sketchy site I linked.

To your second point. It is perfectly safe running metamask extension on brave. Brave is built on top of open source chromium project, same as chrome, edge, opera. If you were using your metamask wallet (as an extension) on chrome/edge/opera it will be the same as running on brave.

Give brave a trial for a week or a month, and you will see how it improves your security (also privacy) in general by default.

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Thanks for your reply - yes I have trialled Brave and will continue to use.

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