Disabling Ads for mobile

So my uphold account is never being updated with my wallet on mobile despite being verified, I’ve finally decided to discontinue any ads on mobile phones as I’m not getting anything out of it as this bat is unable to be cashed out in anyway.

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Okay, and? (ignore extra characters required to reach 20 characters)

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Basically this has never worked since I got brave ads verified… What is the point of bat and verification if I can never get it to a point where it can be usable… Bat is basically just play money to me at the moment. It apparently exists but with a glitch that prevents me from getting my bat into uphold since the very beginning prevents me from cashing out my earnings.

So if it never becomes anything why go through the effort of clicking through these ads if I’m not being rewarded. I’ve asked about this bug and I was told it was a bug they are working on fixing? I’ve had my phone for a year now and probably got my bat for verification maybe 4 or 5 months in as I clicked through every ad and set ad frequency to max. So it’s been 7 to 8 months without any word of when this bat actually becomes useful to me.

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Are you using an iPhone? (Brave Rewards are not available on iPhone due to a ruling that Apple made). How many devices have you linked to your Uphold account?

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I’m using an s20 I’m supposed to be getting this uphold stuff but due to a bug that we have no timeline for being fixed my efforts with the brave ad system feel like I’m just wasting my time…I mean after 7 to 8 months of nothing it’s pretty hard to keep any faith here

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