Difference between indicated and received payment

Hey, just passing this along if you haven’t seen it. :+1:

The same happened with me… Earlier it was showing 0.450 BAT (which itself is low as compared to Normal months) , but recieved only 0.250 BAT… In march also faced the same problem… Brave don’t want to pay in full I think… Get my problem resolved… using brave at it’s best, then why all this happening??

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uphold,estou aguardando

Did you read my reply to @Ruthra36 ? It linked to a message posted by Brave Rewards Support explaining their awareness of issues of users receiving less rewards than they are supposed to. Aside from the typical reasons indicated & received dont match, they are working to identify the issue and remedy the problem. They instruct those users having these problems to NOT adjust any settings/preferences in the browser, or conduct any account resets or reinstalls of Brave until they can issue a fix. If you haven’t read it yet I highly recommend doing so as it explains what’s going on, what to do, and what to expect. #Brave is such a great platform and it has very capable, competent, and compassionate #brave-rewards:rewards-support ! They will figure out the issue and get it handled. They haven’t rapidly grown as much as they have just because. :wink: :+1: Brave is a fantastic browser and handles these problems efficiently and professionally. Believe me, they want us earning Brave rewards JUST as much as we do! :+1:

Payouts have just finished processing and my balance was not corrected yet.
The missing balance does NOT rolled up to the next month.

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Is anyone really surprised?

Just in case you haven’t seen this post regarding users missing out on BAT rewards…

Just in case you haven’t noticed that you pasted this very same thread

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Nothing gets by you! :wink: I realize this, as it was done purposely in my responding to different users. Clearly some individuals can not be bothered by scrolling up :point_up_2: before posting an inquiry about the same technical problems affecting many users which has been replied to on multiple occasions within the same thread. If you were replied to multiple times as a result of this, I apologize; I wasn’t intending to do so and I do appreciate you pointing it out, however! So thank you! :+1:


Thanks for that. I’m following this thread since the beginning. Hopefully we can hear some news from the devs soon on this issue.

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May interest - recent Community Call with Brave officials:

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You’re welcome, my friend :pray:… and I feel the same way as you do! :muscle: I hope we hear some good news on this front sooner than later. But, Brave has a strong, competent team :brain: in my experience, so I would expect that we receive some update regarding this soon. :+1:

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@Mattches This is the issue.

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