Did you got publisher payment anyone?

Did you got publisher payment of September any one?

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Yes, I received mine this night:

As already mentionned by Brave team, we have to be patient.


Thats great.
I’m waiting for 40+ bat

That’s great :slight_smile:
Have a nice day.

I got mine from the one on my browser, but from my publisher account not yet :confused:

bro I have acquaintances who are suspended and I know they did nothing wrong to get them suspended and they don’t help them, they just tell them they have to wait :frowning:

and last month they received the payment without problems, and now the suspension does not allow them to comment or post in the forum :frowning: they already sent a message to the support email and they do not respond. and they have not received the payment I need help here pls …

You should create a new thread regarding with matching screenshots from brave browser, email and etc.

but they are not my accounts, I am helping them so that they can solve it since nobody gives an answer

Then ask your friend/acquaintance anything related as their proof and create a new thread on behalf of them, I guess there’s no forum rule to prohibit such action here.

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oh ok I’ll try that, thank you very much: D

Oh sure, no problem ; )

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Hi @MALG, please have your friends email [email protected] and their accounts will be reviewed there. Thank you.

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I dont received any payment from publisher though my as per status i have 76 downloads 30 installed confirmed 0?, but some of my friends using the browser. i only received .89 usd for the browser itself

Received nothing as well.

I had a “Payout is processing” message but it diseapered and I got no statement at all.
I know the paiement can take several days but is it normal that the payout message is gone? @steeven


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I also recieved my payment

How long ago did you receive your payment?

I received mine 1 day ago.

I did not receive my payment

I did not receive my payment @steeven
Please help