Hi I have an uphold account to which I connected my brave rewards in pc (2 accounts- my browser and guest browser)
My PC had some issues and so I had to reboot it a few times and now when I tried to connect my brave browser to uphold it’s showing disconnected but my last month’s bat was updated
I would like this to be checked and resolved if possible
Thanks in advance
Hi, I am not sure whether I understand your problem correctly, but if it displays ‘Disconnected’, you only will have to click on this button and log in to your verified Uphold account again. Afterwards it should state verified and you should be able to see the amount of BATs stored in your Uphold wallet in your Browser again.
He reinstalled fresh OS multiple times from what I gather.
If you hit device limit, you are screwed. Brave doesnt want people to ever get new devices or reinstall operating systems from the way the system works.
If you hit device limit. there is nothing you can do. And you wont be able to get your BAT to uphold.
We have to be poking at brave to fix this soon.
4 lifetime devices without a way to delete old non active devices is just a horrible system.
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