I am updated to the latest Brave version (1.5.123) on Windows 10. Since then, email links still open in an older version of Brave. There have been threads on this problem but the solution is to “uninstall older versions of Brave.” That’s fine – but I can’t figure out HOW to uninstall the older versions.
FYI, I have already set my latest version of Brave as the default browser.
I have found some older versions in AppData > Local > Brave. In that folder there are two sub-folders (app-0.23.31 and app-0.27,3) which I assume are old versions. none have an uninstall EXE in them, however. Deleting them just results in Windows errors whenever I try to click a link – Windows can’t find Brave.
Another folder exists in Windows at AppData > Local > BraveSoftware. Not sure what that is, but again, there is no uninstall EXE there.
Yet ANOTHER folder exists at ProgramFiles (x86) called Brave Software, which has even more executables and appears to be the latest version. (It has a subfolder with the latest revision number.)
How do I get rid of these older versions without breaking Brave and link clickability entirely?
Using Revo Uninstaller only gives me the option to uninstall Brave in general, so I avoided that. I don’t want every instance of Brave erased.