Dark mode is desactivated


having a trouble when i click on link via twitter (brave app)
the dark mode is desactivated on status bar and on the website background.
website : https://www.rtl.fr/actu/sciences-tech/concert-test-d-indochine-le-port-du-masque-sera-scrute-par-des-cameras-intelligentes-7900033216

i post a vidéo of thé trouble here:

i’m on Android 12L version
latest brave version

Have you tried brave://flags/#enable-force-dark ?

yes it’s already enable.

I see… May I sugest to download from CRX for Chrome an extension named “Dark Background and Light Characters”? It was deleted from chrome web store, but yopu can downloaded from that site, next on extensions you activate “developer mode”, drag and drop it, and you got a better dark mode.

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