Current Build Causing Extremely High GPU Usage on Videos

Description of the issue: Ever since the latest update v1.59.120, watching any videos at all with hardware acceleration causes 100% GPU usage in Windows 11. I have a 2070 SUPER, 7800x3d, and 32GB RAM. No other program uses this much of my GPU. Firefox currently works at 6% GPU usage on videos so this is a Chromium backend issue. As this happens with Edge too, I believe it is a Chromium issue and not Brave itself. However, Brave uses Chromium so the issue stands.

How can this issue be reproduced? Use the current version of Brave or any Chromium browser and watch a YouTube video with HWMonitor open to monitor GPU utilization.

  1. Open Brave.

  2. Go to YouTube or any other video website and watch a video.

  3. Monitor GPU usage in HWMonitor or a similar program.

Expected result: Mild GPU usage not going anywhere near 99%.

Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.59.120

Additional Information: Again, this is a Chromium backend issue.

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