Crypto wallet is broken

I can’t seem to send any crypto from my wallet.

When I hit the send button I my screen just goes blank white and nothing happens. My screen just looks like the screen shot shared.

When I look at the activity it isn’t showing any transactions have been sent. I’ve tried updating my browser and restarting. Closing and reopening the wallet multiple times and nothing seems to fix it.

What can I do to fix this?


What version of Brave? brave://settings/help

What OS are you using?

Are you using Brave Wallet or something else? What is your default wallet set to here: brave://settings/web3

I’m using Brave Wallet. I have no problems when I use other wallets or extensions. The problem is with Braves native wallet.

I’m using Brave v1.75.180 and MacOS Sequoia 15.3

Do you have any third-party extensions installed?

If you Enable Brave Wallet in Private Windows do you see the same issue in a Private Window? brave://settings/web3